The Tears of Time

Form Dispersion

The clash echoed for miles.

Below the aerial battle, the souls scattered, even the purposeless ones fleeing the dreadful battle of wills which began over their heads. The sound was dreadful, a cacophony of shrieking battle cries mixed with the groan of muscle and breaking sinew. The struggle was evenly matched, a rough three score sent from Lucifer to match the fifty of the host.

Locked in struggle with a lower ranked demon, Gabriel desperately searched the melee for Lucifer, his instinct telling him that he wouldn’t have left the Halls. He quickly banished the demon with a half formed spell, flying higher in order to get a better look for Lucifer. As he had feared, there was no sign. Tackled by another foe, he banished his worries to plunge head first into the fight. Typhus fought some way away, committed to the fight with a singular determination.

The fight was going well for the host, until the demons broke into the ranks of casters. Unprotected, and unskilled in combat, they began to sustain dreadful losses. Typhus and Gabriel flew together, tackling the few demons who were wreaking the havoc.

Several miles away, Dina, Raphael and Ambriel were approaching the Halls with caution, testing the air carefully for more snares. The structure rose high in to the sky from the flat landscape, the ugly black metal of the construction clashing painfully with the muted land. They flew upwards towards a jutting platform halfway up the main pinnacle, Dina casting spells of concealment around them to fool the eyes of the watchers.

Once inside, they followed the larger corridors until they converged on the main halls, where they checked their pace, Dina making sure the spells still concealed them. After a few moments, they moved forward again, passing a few demons that walked past unawares.

A commotion on their left sent them scuttling back into an empty passage. Double doors flung open, Lucifer storming out in an utter rage, his face dark.

“Sir?” uttered a female demon, curiosity clouding her better judgment. Lucifer struck out as she got too near, sending her flying across the hall with a crash. The female clambered to her feet and ran, clutching her bloody nose.

“Where is Jezabel?” Lucifer yelled, his voice echoing magically down the corridors so that it carried throughout the halls. Dina pushed the other two back into the corridor, aware that Lucifer couldn’t be affected by many spells, and that they would be seen should he look their way.

“Jezabel?!” He yelled again.

“Sir,” a demon nodded, appearing in the centre of the chamber, her head bowed. Her loose hair swept across her face to conceal her features, a dark red curtain which glimmered slightly in the dim light.

“Took your time,” Lucifer snapped.

“I apologize sir,” Jezabel said, her tone smooth and un-fearful.

“Fine, stand up straight.” Jezabel straightened up slowly, her spine uncurling gracefully. Her hair swept back from her face, revealing sharp contours and bright red eyes which burned feverishly.

“Where were you?” He asked curiously.

“Dungeons sir.”

“Ah,” he sneered, laughing at her blank expression, “Here.”

He beckoned her into the room he had just stormed from, walking swiftly back in. Also curious, the angels followed across the hall, staying hidden behind the door, should Lucifer turn quickly. The room was a small antechamber, carpeted, with fake windows displaying charmed views projected on the concrete.

Lucifer and Jezabel were gathered around a third figure, but the third wasn’t corporeal. It was a soul, similar to those outside, except its face had such a sharp clarity that it must have been newly created. It was inhumanly beautiful, the sharp cuts of jaw and cheekbones making an illusion of solidarity, yet with a softness which seemed to leave a glow in the air. Her lips were softly bowed, but pressed into a sharp line of anger, which was mirrored in her narrowed eyes and arched brows. Raphael wondered for a minute, at the familiarity of the face, then realised who it was he was looking at; Elanor. Ambriel nudged him, curious at his expression.

“Elanor,” he whispered, his voice low so that no one would hear. Ambriel arched her eyebrows, looking back into the room.

“She’s dead?” Ambriel asked, a quaver in her voice.

“No,” Dina replied, awe in her voice, “She’s achieved form dispersion.”

“Form dispersion?”

“It’s the process of making yourself invisible. What you’re truly doing is dispersing your physical form throughout the cosmos; so that all is left in the original position is your soul.”

“I thought-” Ambriel began.

“You’re right; humans shouldn’t be able to attempt it. Not many Angelic casters can. But she isn’t exactly human is she?”

“No,” Raphael said, trying to listen in to what Jezabel was saying.

“Form dispersion?” she asked, glaring at the girl, “How is that possible?”

“Now, don’t be rude Jezabel. I’m sure you know the theoretical explanation, although Elanor probably doesn’t.”

“No… what did you want me to do?”

“Change her back,” Lucifer replied.

“Not possible.”

“Why not?” Lucifer snapped.

“Only the caster of such a spell can reverse it,” Jezabel replied, her tone lazy.

“Well, in that case I imagine you can make her reverse it.”

“Not possible either. You should know this Lucifer. In soul form, a person cannot be harmed.”

“Damn,” Lucifer snapped, his fears confirmed, “Well Elanor, you’ve given us a pretty little predicament.”

“It’s probably better to talk on even terms,” Elanor spoke, her tone a bewitching alto. Raphael gasped, his heart locked in a struggle to free itself from his throat. That small noise was enough. Lucifer’s head snapped round, his eyes locking onto Raphael’s. Elanor followed his gaze, confusion spreading as she saw the three crouched behind the door.

Jezabel moved faster than Ella could see, in seconds standing behind the group, blocking their exit. Lucifer glowered, his eyes blazing furiously.


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Ivy, xXGreyWingsXx (c) 2008