I Always Hated Secrets.

I've Worked Up Some Courage.

I took a deep, shaky breath and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Your going to do this Frank. You have to." I stated to myself repeatedly, trying to get the message into my brain somehow.

The plan would work, but I just have to work up the courage to actually do it.

Slowly making my way out of the washroom, I thought everything over. Was getting raped and abused really worth this all? Should I just tell Gerard?

Bob even said himself he was fine with the fact that I was in love with Gerard. So maybe once I turn the bus around, and find them, I could just, simply tell him.

The worst he could do was reject me, or hit me. It would hurt, a lot. I know it would, but maybe it would stop Ray from doing what he does to me.

'God, I hope this works.' I thought, praying silently as I crept towards the cupboard in the kitchen which held the fire extinguisher.

I heaved it out of the cupboard quietly, and slowly made my way towards the area of the bus, where the driving components were and obviously where Ray himself would be.

I crept behind the drivers seat and readjusted the fire extinguisher in my hands, lifting it above my head.

Ray must've sensed I was behind him because he whipped around and his eyes widened as he saw the object in my hands.

"What the fuck is this?!" He screeched, taking his hands off of the steering wheel momentarily to face me once again.

"I've worked up some courage." I stated calmly, bringing the fire extinguisher down on his head. It made a loud 'Thump' noise, and Ray fell onto the ground lazily.

I closed my eyes briefly and dropped the extinguisher onto the ground beside Ray's body.

They snapped open once I realized that no one was driving the bus. I gasped and jumped into the drivers seat, steering the bus towards a gas station parking lot.

Stopping the bus, I leaned back in the seat and let out a humongous sigh of relief.

"I did it. I really fucking did it." I whispered to myself, wiping away the sweat that had formed on my forehead.

I sat there for a moment, letting the silence envelope me. I turned my head and caught sight of Ray's hair. I jumped slightly, remembering that he was laying there.

I slid down from the drivers seat and knelt down beside Ray's body, making sure he wasn't bleeding, and that he was still breathing and his heart was still beating at a normal pace.

No matter how much I could hate Ray, he was still my best friend. And I certainly didn't want to kill him. Besides, he's apart of My Chemical Romance, so if he died, what would happen, and who would fill his spot?

Ray was fine. I just knocked him unconscious, which was what I was aiming for. I grabbed his arms and carelessly dragged him into the living room, picking him up and throwing him onto the couch.

I stared at his body, thinking over the possibilities. Should I get him back, and rape him?

As quickly as that thought had wriggled into my mind, I dismissed it. I don't care how much Ray has hurt me, but I would never sink as low as him. As long as I live, I will never rape somebody. Never.

Deciding to just leave Ray to wake up, I turned on my heel, walking through out the whole bus, and searching for any sort of sign as to where Ray could've dumped Gerard, Bob and Mikey.

Tears formed in my eyes as I thought of everything that could've happened. I prayed to whatever God that may be, that they were still alive, and relatively unharmed.

I choked out a sob and collapsed on the ground, in the doorway of the recording area we had set up in our bus.

I was so scared. Not for me, but for my three best friends.

I needed Bob. He's my boyfriend, and I do love him. I need Mikey, because he's my best friend and he's been here for me since we were kids. And I sure as hell needed Gerard, because I'm in love with him, and he's my best friend regardless to whether he loves me back or not.

I sobbed even harder as a horrible thought crossed my mind. What if they were murdered, and lying dead in a ditch?

"Oh god, oh god, oh god!" I screamed through my sobs, pulling at my hair in panic.

I froze as I heard a muffled cry. My eyes widened, and my heart started pumping so fast in my chest, when I looked down, I swear I could see my chest moving from the force.

"H-hello?" I whimpered, peering around the room.

I heard another muffled cry, this time more frantic, and my eyes stopped at the three fairly large amp cases that were sitting on the floor.

I gasped and got up slowly, making my way over to one of the cases, setting my hand on it.

"Hello?" I asked, my heart racing in anticipation.

Could it be..?
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Comments, yeah?