You Fight For All The Wrong Reasons

Absolutley Filthy

School has always been kind of a weird experience.

Because you’re surrounded by humans. Humans that think you’re human.

But who knows. Maybe the kid who sits next to you in Trig, or your lab partner for biology is lying just as well as you are.

I’ve always wondered about that.

But pondering whether the senior quarterback was supernatural or not was the least of my concerns. I was concentrating more on the boy two seats diagonally in front of me.


It was the fourth day of school and we still hadn’t spoken a word to each other.

Trig was our last class of the day. I was staring at the clock, playing over what I had prepared to say over and over again in my head.

I looked down. My hands were shaking.

I didn’t know why I was so freaking nervous. I guess what Cam had said about Eli had really scared me.

What would we do if Ray died?

As the bell rang, I shook that thought from my head. There was no way I could be sure it was Ray. I couldn’t save anybody. But I could save our friendship.

“Um, Ray?” I asked as I ventured out into the hallway.

Ray turned around, slamming his locker shut. His midnight eyes were critical. “What do you want?”

It hurt to meet his stare. “Look, Ray, I just wanted to say, you know, maybe we should work things out between us…”

Ray narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice. “Are you still with that leech? He spat out the word.

It stung to tell the truth. “Yes,” I said, staring at the cracks in the floor.

“Audrey. This is wrong. You are wrong. You may not think you are, but you are betraying us.” I knew he meant the pack. He had to choose his words carefully around here.

His voice rose, fury simmering to the surface. “Why would I trust someone who just completely destroyed my faith in them? I can’t trust you, Audrey! You run with him now, not us! Choose a side! Do you hear me Audrey? CHOOSE A SIDE! You’re [dirtying us, Audrey. Because that’s what you are. Absolutely filthy!

And as he screamed the last word, his furious hands grabbed my by the shoulders and shoved me across the hallway. I slammed into the lockers on the other side, an awful banging noise echoing down the hallway as well as in my head.

I’m sure a few heads turned to gawk, but I didn’t notice. Dark colored blotches blurred my vision, but I could still see Ray’s face perfectly, seething with anger. My whole body was throbbing as I hit the floor, his words still ringing in my head. Absolutely filthy! Absolutely filthy!

I bit my lip until I tasted my own blood to hold back the tears.

But I think the reason why everything hurt so much was that I partially believed his words.
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