You Fight For All The Wrong Reasons

Desire is Now the One in Control

Look away! Turn away!
I should remember nothing is what it seems
For once in my life I will resist...temptation has
Come alive again!
When all is said and done I may not be able to move on
If I don't know what lies beyond
Desire is now the one in control
Am I strong enough to not ever know what I'd find?
Should I press on?

-Obsession is Such an Ugly Word by Alesana

White flakes drifted down from the overlying branches, sprinkling the ground that was already covered in a thick white blanket. It was the perfect, untouched winter scene, before any foot had set forth in the snow, or before any plow had touched the road.

It was unseasonably early, but it was perfect nonetheless.

“So,” I said, letting my fingers brush along the evergreen branches. “Why couldn’t we just take the car?”

Cam seemed oblivious to the winter wonderland that surrounded him, and was much more captivated by my face, which his eyes had never left since this morning, when he told me that he would walk me to Mitch’s house. Snow lightly dusted his unnecessary coat and settled in his hair. “Because,” he said, “I wanted to talk to you. I have a feeling that this conversation will stretch beyond the parameters given by a five minute car ride.”

I smiled lightly, wondering whether this was a good or bad thing.

“Listen, I…” We both stopped. “I really wish I could spend more time with you.”

“Oh,” I said, somewhat relieved. “I’m sorry. It’s just, with Mitch and all…I’ll make room for time with you.”

“No, there’s a catch,” he said slowly.


“Audrey.” He held both of my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine. “Eventually, you’re going to have to pick a side. It’s painful to watch you try to balance your relationship with your pack and your relationship with me. If you keep burning the candle at both ends, you’ll end up destroying both relationships.”

Those were words that had already played over in my head a thousand times. “But Cam…I can’t give away you or the pack.”

“I know.” He brushed a strand of hair away from my face. “But one day, you’ll have to choose.” He brought his face closer to mine. “Audrey, you and I, we were born to hate each other! If you keep the love between us going strong, you can’t possibly be part of the pack. If you maintain high stats with the pack, there’s no way you can still be with me.”

I found myself speechless. I took Cam in, his golden stare, his raven locks, his cold touch that was somehow comfortable even on this frigid Thanksgiving morning, his care and affection. I couldn’t possibly give that up.

But then I thought of the pack. I thought of Mitch and how much he needed me right now, not standing in the snow with a vampire. I thought of Trey and his skill and craftiness. I thought of Christina, Alicia, Julia, and Jess and how they had always been there for me. Every single one of those wolves had never let me down.

And I had.

Cam put a finger up to my lips. “I’m not saying to make a decision now. I’m just getting this…out in the open.” He kissed me softly. “You’ll know when the time is right.”

“Right.” I slipped my arm around his waist, and he did the same. We remained this way, silent and interlocked, until we arrived at Mitch’s house and Cam kissed me goodbye.


Three hours, several minor cuts and burns, and two broken plates later, the Thanksgiving feast had finally been prepared and was laid out on the table before us. Somehow, we managed to get 23 chairs to fit into the Windsor’s tiny kitchen; eleven of us crammed around the table and nine of us on folding chairs. I don’t know how we managed that.

“So here we all are,” Trey started. “Well…” he scanned the room. “There’s no need for introductions. Special thanks to Mrs. Windsor over here. Single mom and she still manages to take care of her kids – all twenty two of us.”

Laughter circulated around the room. “I don’t know how she does it,” Trey added with a shrug and a grin. He lifted his glass. “To Mrs. Windsor.”

“To Mrs. Windsor,” we echoed, and tilted back our glasses. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. Windsor and Mitch exchange smiles and a hug.

Maybe things would turn out alright. If only for a moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter in one day! Woohoo!
Comments, please! =)