You Fight For All The Wrong Reasons

Opposites Attract

The figure staring back at me in the mirror was sporting a form-fitting red halter that ended a little above her knees. On her feet were sleek black heels, ready to be admired for a Kodak moment, as well as to be kicked off for a night full of dancing. Around her neck was a chain of diamonds, and silver hoops dangled from her ears. Lip gloss that glimmered when it caught the light. Eyeliner, mascara, and layered shades of white and pink eye shadow enhanced her dark eyes. Her hair was down, but her layers and side bangs were combed to perfection.

I smiled. Not too shabby.

“Audrey, your limo is here!”

I grinned. More like Julia’s green Outback. The real sight would be the beautiful yacht club alongside the beach that Christina’s family had rented out for her Sweet 16. I grabbed my small black handbag and Christina’s present and practically danced down the stairs.

“Have fun!”
“Behave yourself!”
“Say hi to everyone for me!”

I bid my goodbyes to my parents and walked outside.

A huge, black limousine was parked on the street.

I must have gawked at the thing for a full minute before actually walking towards it. My dad really hadn’t been joking about the mode of transportation I was going to get tonight. I guess not all the surprises were for the birthday girl.

I was greeted by a flood of greetings, smiles, and exuberant “Audrey!!”’s once inside. Smiling, I slid onto the leather seat in between Mitch and Julia, and across from Christina.

“Christina! Happy birthday! Wow, you look amazing!” I complimented her silky light blue dress and beautiful up-do.

“Oh, thank you! You look really nice too. That color compliments your hair well.”

“Thanks!” We continued to admire one another’s outfits – Julia’s eye-catching green dress, Jessica’s stilettos, Emma’s bracelet, Mitch’s gelled hair, etc. Wow, Mitch was actually dressed nicely. You didn’t see that every day.

“Is this everyone?” I asked. There sure were a ton of people.

“Oh, no,” Christina said. “Well, the limo is for my friends only. Adults are all driving to the yacht club.” She laughed.

I was still sizing up the limo. I had never been inside one before. “Whoa! We get pillows?!” I reached for a white pillow over by Julia.

“Yup!” Mitch raised a pillow as if to hit me with it.

“No!” I shielded my face with my hands. “Don’t touch the hair.”

“Oh.” Mitch slowly lowered the pillow. “Right.” He was still smirking, though.

I grinned back. Mitchell may look nice in a collared shirt, but he could never act like a gentleman.


It was only ten o’clock and I was already having the time of my life. After an entrance of many flashing cameras and a very fancy dinner inside the yacht club, we had gone outside on the beach. Emma, Julia, and a few other girls and I had taken boats out into the setting sun and returned to the band that Christina had hired. They started playing at sundown. The little concert was now over, and everyone was ready to head back inside to the dance floor.

Christina had headed off with her boyfriend, Ryan, and I was with Emma, Jess, Julia, Mitch, Ray, and some other guys from school: Cody, Tom, Sarah, and Marina. We ran to the center of the dance floor, giggling and chattering amongst ourselves. Whine Up started blasting, and the dancing began.

It was midnight and we were still on the floor. I had danced with Mitch, Tom, and several boys I didn’t even know. Emma, Jess, Julia, Mitch, Ray, Cody, Tom, Sarah, and Marina were all taking a quick “snow-cone break” so I decided to mingle with the rest of the field for this song. But then the DJ switched to a slow song, and I figured, that since I had no one to dance with, I might as well take a break myself.

But then, walking onto the dance floor, I saw him.


I should have been afraid. Absolutely terrified. But I was excited to see him.

Lust is the worst sin of all.

He was as handsome as ever, black bangs falling gently on luminous skin. Golden eyes penetrated the surface of my heart and went right into the core.

He standing right in front of me, looking me right in the eyes.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.” There wasn’t much to say about his jeans and Madina Lake band tee – he wore that kind of thing every day. But I wished that I had something better to say.

He held out his hand. “Would you dance with me?”

“You didn’t even need to ask.” I linked my arms around his shoulders, my heart pounding the whole time. I felt his cool, strong arms around me, and he pulled me close.
For a few moments we just slow danced. But then I finally said what I knew I had to say.

“We can’t go on pretending that we’re not who we really are,” I whispered.

“I know.” He pushed a lock of my hair away from my face. Our eyes met.


Well, this conversation was going well. No, not awkward at all.

“Do you ever get scared?” I whispered.

Cam exhaled softly. “Yes. Scared that they find out. Scared that maybe I’ll complexly loose it one day and I kill someone. Scared that I hurt you.” He met my gaze again. “All of those nightmares have become realities.”

“Well, I’ve hurt you just as badly. After the scene in the woods, the entire pack has now transformed into delusional monsters with their target being the vampires.” My breathing was shuddery. “Did you know them well?”

Cam’s eyes wandered off. “Yes. One I knew very well. But…” he stroked my cheek. “They were going to kill you.”

“You would rather have two lives gone than one?”

“I don’t exactly call this living.” He paused. “What about you? Are you scared?”

Slowly, all of my secrets leaked out of me at that moment. “Yes. Scared that someone so perfect and amazing and beautiful as yourself could accept me for who I am. I’m scared that I’m not scared of you. I’m scared that this won’t…”

I was interrupted by Cam’s lips on mine.

Cautious and passionate, the shape of his confident lips traced my nervous ones.

His icy skin against mine.

His fingers trailing through my hair.

My arms embraced around his shoulders.

I couldn’t breathe. But I didn’t need to. I had everything I needed right here.

He gently pulled away, still his arms still locked around my waist. “No,” he smiled softly. “You have nothing to fear.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think we all saw that coming =]
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