You Fight For All The Wrong Reasons

One Sibling At A Time

2:38 a.m. The red numbers on my alarm clock glared at me, reminding me of the early hour.

I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep.

I turned over onto my side, the red numbers on the clock illuminating my desk. I could faintly see a photograph on top of it, from Christina’s party. It was of me and Cam. We were sitting on a dark red couch. My head rested against his shoulder, and he had his arm wrapped around me. I was gazing up at him, and him down at me, completely lost in each other’s eyes, totally unaware that this moment was being captured forever. I didn’t even know who had taken the picture.

I missed him.

Groping around on my nightstand, I found my phone and pulled it under the covers with me, dialing Cam’s number. I knew it by heart – I could recite it backwards without hesitation.

After two rings, he picked up. “Hey, Audrey.”

“Hi. I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes. “What do you do all night?” I asked out of sheer curiosity.

“Think about you.”

I giggled. I loved it when he said quirky and sweet things like that.

“I was doing the same thing. I miss you.”

“You can see me tomorrow. How does my house sound?”

Wait a sec. A little red flag went up in my head. His house? Didn’t that mean multiple vampires? Not every bloodsucking parasite could love me like Cam.

“I-I’m not so sure…” I stuttered.

“I won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

God, it sounded like he was asking for a night together in a hotel room, not a get-together with his family that should be harmless.

Part of me wanted to run over to his house right now. The other, smarter half wanted to sink even deeper under the covers, safe from any parasitic monster that lurked outside of my bedroom.

“How many of there are you?”

“Well, there’s nine of us, plus me, so that makes ten…”

Holy guacamole, that’s a whole lot of vampires.

“Nope! I mean, not all at once. Sorry.”

“No, I understand, it’s okay.”

“Are they all as open-minded as you?”

“Er, no. That trait doesn’t run in the family. But some are better than others. Of my four sisters, Stella is the best. She’s been really interested in meeting you, actually. In a good way.”

“Really?” I brightened a little bit.

“Yeah. I think you’d like her.”

Huh. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “Okay. One sibling at a time.”

He laughed, that soft, musical laugh of his that sounded like a breeze blowing through the leaves on an autumn day. “You sure?”


“Okay! Hoes does six o’clock sound?”

“Sounds great.”

“Perfect. Now get some sleep, love.”

“Mmkay. ‘Night, Cam.”




“I love you, Cam.”
I felt a smile on the other end. “I love you, too.”

“Goodnight, Cam.”

“Sleep well, darling.”

I drifted off to sleep, my heart still fluttering.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler for the next chapter.

And in case any of you were wondering...
I really wanted to name Cam's sister Stella, but as I was looking through my other chapters, I realized that I had already named a werewolf in Audrey's pack Stella. So, I switched the werewolf's name to Emma.
Yeah, the author didn't know her own character's names. xD
So, werewolf:Emma. Vampire: Stella.
Sorry if there was any confusion :]