Life of Gwen Rosethorne


Okay so last you saw Heather was mad with a capital M so you know thats serious yeah. And Saydee and Aaron are doing pretty good...its kinda wierd how lovey dovey and all they are now but thats okay shes my friend so i deal with it. Im still convinced tha Aaron is just Heather's spy but OF COURSE Saydee doesnt listen but it IS her boyfriend. ANYWHOOOOO...ya any way i am going shopping yay haha. AND im gonna get some amazing stuff.....cuz i like amazing stuff.

~*~*~AT THE MALL~*~*~

Oh i forgot to tell you people im going with my friend. NO not saydee silly people that assume things. HIS name is James or as I like to call him Jimithy as in Timothy you get it you get it huh huh huh...ya I know not funny thank you for putting up with it. Okay so moving on. OH MY GAWD HOT TOPIC IM COMING! *just so you know never say this in public i have been stared at for this now back to the story* James hurry up you slow poke!!! OOF HEY WATCH IT ugh my ass... and now i swear im hearing voices.

Oh im so sorry are you okay? Im Michael by the way.

SEE I TOLD YOU PEOPLE I WAS HEARING VOICES or it could just be the dude that knocked me down but the voices are so much kewler and they have names...

YO GWEN WAIT UP! Oh diddnt know you were talking to someone im James..
Im Michael and she doesnt seem to talk much even though i like just met her.
What gwen not talking would be a miracle and you guys just met ho- never mind.

Oh my god james hears the voices to! That is so kewl not im not alone but hey that was my voices..anyway now that my ass dont hurt i can stand up and i am thank you.

Hi im Michael and you must be Gwen.
Oh so i wasnt hering things no fair but ya ya you guessed right JAMES C'MON HOT TOPIC IS WAITING!!!
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haha whoo tht was fun lol...not rlly but thtz okay so all you people i would really love some comments because that would be really kewl and all soooo PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ COMMENT!!!!
I'll give you a cookie :]
