The Odd One Out

Chapter 2

"And the thing is that.." I heard the teacher, who according to my schedual should be Mr. Jones.

"Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find the classrom at first.." I mummbled, looking down at my feet.

"It's okay, these corridors can be slightly confusing for someone who just started here.." he said and grabbed my shoulders. "Class, this is our new student Miro Tashki."

"Takahashi.." I mummbled.


"It's Miro Takahashi.."

"Oh, sorry.. Anyway, she is new, so be nice to her and take care of her, okay?"

"Can I take a seat now?" I mummbled, not taking my eyes of my shoes.

"Yeah, of course.."

I sat down at the only avalible seat in the back of the classroom ant stared out through the window. I just felt that this day was going to be hell..

When the class ended I put the books I just got from Mr. Jones in my Hello Kitty backpack and walked out.

"Fucking freak!!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turned around and say a boy who was in my class look evily at me.

"What did you say?" I asked calmly.

"I said fucking freak!" he said, stepping closer to me. I justlooked him in the eye and started cursing at him in japanesse and then left to go to the next class. I sat down in the back and took out my drawing pad and continued to schetch on my new manga. After a couple of minutes someone sat down next to me.

"Hey, Miro!" said a familiar voice. I looked up and smiled.

"Hi Gustav." I said.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing.." I said, closing the pad and putting it in my backpack. I wasn't being rude, but my mangas are mine and mine only. I don't like people knowing about them.

"okay.." An awekward silence filled the room. Lyckilly the teacher entered and the lesson started.

The rest of the day ran smoothly, without any further problems. When I got home I walked to my room and did the homework we had gotten and then spent the rest of the day listening to music before going to bed.