Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

Well, That Wasn't Weird

You know how when you’re looking for something and you don’t really remember where it is, the entire room seems to turn upside down? Well that’s what mine and Zack’s room looks like: clothes tossed about, papers and pens scattered across the floor, and random stuffed animals distributed all over the floor.

“Where the hell is that letter?” I ask myself, searching through our things. “And why is my bra in Zack’s drawer?”

I pull out a revealing black bra with red lace lining the sides. It looks slightly unfamiliar, but then again, Zack sometimes likes to surprise me with skimpy outfits for him to rip off me.

“What are you doing?”

I turn around to see Zack staring at me.


“What are you holding?” He asks placing his jacket on a chair.

“Nothing.” I respond, trying to hide the bra.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Before I could hide it, he grabs it out of my hand. He looks at it then looks at me.

“Uhhh. Surprise?” I say trying to cover up what I was just doing.

“What were you planning on doing?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Um. I was gonna wear it with some matching underwear. And, um, once you got home, I was gonna lay on the bed. All sexy like.” I say off the top of my head.

He smirks. “How about I give you time to change and I’ll come back into the room all surprised.” He says handing me the bra.

“That works.” I answer as he walks out the door.

Looks like I’ll have to find the letter later.
“Ow. Ow. Ow!” I say walking up the front steps of CoCoa and Alex’s house, holding Jacob. I hit the doorbell out of frustration and wait patiently for someone to open the door.

“He-What’s up with you?” CoCoa asks opening the door.

“My legs hurt.” I mumble walking in. Jacob wiggles out of my arms and runs to find AJ.

“Should I ask why?” She asks closing the door and following me into the kitchen.

“All I can say is: Zack.”

“OoOoOoOoOoOh. Well that explains it. So I guess it was good?”

I look at her with a serious face, but then it fades into a goofy smile.

“That good, huh?”

I blush. “Shut up!”

“Anyway, did you ever find the letter?”

“I was looking through the room when he came in. So I came up with the excuse that I was gonna surprise him with me in lingerie on the bed.” I say shrugging my shoulders.


“Yeah. It was funny; I found the bra in his drawer with his boxers.”

“Haha. I bet he uses it to masturbate while on tour. Alex has a bra and panty set of mine that he brings on tour with him.”

I look at her. “Okay, too much information about my cousin.”

“Yes, baby?” I ask Jacob.

“Can we get owse cream?” He asks hugging his favorite monkey, Benny.

“Of course, Jacob. We’ll get you some ice cream.” I smile as we turn right, heading for his favorite ice cream parlor, Ice Cream Emporium.

It’s my favorite ice cream place, too. Three stories of sugary sweets; first floor had the custards, cakes, and pies; second floor had the brownies, cookies, and baked goods; and last, the third floor had the ice creams of all different kinds of flavors and every topping imaginable to go with it. I love it; it’s my home away from home, besides CoCoa’s house.

“Here we are sweetie.” I say as he tears his seatbelt off and waits for me to open the door. As soon as the barrier of the door is moved he springs out and runs into the parlor, sitting in the booth we always sit at.

I smile and follow him in. “What do you want Jacob?”

“I want a cake batter sundae with, with hot fudge, caramel, and Reese’s pieces.” He answers with a cute, little grin on his face.

“You got it sweetie. Just wait right here.” I kiss his forehead and make my way towards the counter.

“Dani? Is that you?” A voice calls behind me.

I turn around to see Sydney. I give her a fake smile. “Sydney, what are you doing here?”

“Oh I’m here with a friend of mine. What about you?” She answers as she nonchalantly waves her hand at a table in the back, where a shadowy figure was sitting.

“I’m here with Jacob.”

“Who’s Jacob? You’re not cheating on Zack are you?” She asks curiously.

“No, Jacob is my and Zack’s son.” I reply.

“Oh.” She says slightly disappointed. “We’ll I should get back to my friend. Bye.” She waves good-bye and walks over to her friend in the back.

“Well, that wasn’t weird.” I say sarcastically.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I've been really busy lately and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update lately.
I have to help plan two sweet sixteens, neither are for me, this weekend I'm going to some concerts in New York, and my family is throwing a party next weekend.

So I consider this one a filler, a kind of crappy filler, but a filler nonetheless.
I'll try to update as soon as I can.
Comment please.

Peace. Love. Happiness.