Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

Phone Calls and Pink Paper

“So who should we make the godparents?” I ask Zack, licking some ice cream off my cone.

“I was thinking Rian and Kara.” Zack answers, wiping ice cream off Jacob’s face.

“What about Jack and Laura?”

“Jack wants to be the godparent of Alex’s next ‘little pookie bear’ as he put it.” He laughs.

I laugh. “That is understandable.” I smile at Zack. As I open my mouth, his cell phone starts ringing. He looks at the caller i.d. and gets up.

“I have to take this outside.” He kisses my forehead and ruffles Jacob’s hair.

I watch as he goes outside to take the call. He looks frustrated and annoyed. He yells something and shuts his phone closed. Aggravated, he runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. Worried, I look to Jacob to see if he saw his father. Luckily, Jacob was too concerned about his ice cream to notice Zack.

Zack comes back in. “I know this isn’t the best time, but I have to go.” He gives me a quick kiss and kisses Jacob’s forehead.

“Where are you going?”

“Work.” He replies curtly, grabbing his jacket and walking outside.
“Where the hell is that letter?”

After seeing Zack’s frustrated conversation I decided that I would try and find that letter…again.

“When did Zack get so many clothes?” I whisper to myself.

Nothing in his jackets.

No letter in his many Nike Dunks.

Drawers – empty.

Ugh. Where the hell is this fucking letter?

Searching through his dresser, the scent of flowers reaches my nose. Sniffing a little bit more, I scavenger through his dresser, my nose leading me.

Pink. Since when did Zack have something pink in his dresser?

I pick up the little, pink, folded letter and a wave of flowers hits me.

Pier 31.
5:00 pm
November 14

Damn. I’m already late.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one I consider a major filler.
Soooo I've been extremely busy lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner =[[

My best friend, Avalon, and I are throwing a Surprise Sweet Sixteen for Marina, our other best friend, this Saturday. I hope it goes well.

These last two months have been shitty in my opinion.
It's freezing and our school doesn't want to turn the heat up.
My boyfriend in visiting family in England and Australia, I'm really jealous of that and I really miss him =[[.
My ex is trying to get back with me since my boyfriend is away. My boyfriend's old ex threatens to kill me in my sleep. And I'm pretty sure I have a stalker.
Oh, and there is this annoying freshman girl (no offense to anyone who is a freshman) that won't stop flirting and talking back to the some of the upperclassmen. Mostly flirting with my friends Kyle, Brian, Chase, and Seb. And she won't stop being a snobby, slutty, bitch to me, Avalon, Marina, Paige, and Ali. It's extremely annoying and sometimes I just want to punch her right in the face. Its mean, I know, but she pisses me the fuck off.

I should stop ranting. Comments are loved. =]]

Peace. Love. Happiness.
- Holly