Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

Stress and Surprises

“I knew he would fall asleep during the movie.” I whisper, picking up Jacob from the couch. I take him to his room and lay him in his bed.

He moves a little in his sleep. I kiss his forehead and whisper, “Goodnight.” I gently close his bedroom door, as to not wake him up.

“No! I can’t go that day.” Zack’s voice could be heard through our bedroom door. He pauses.

“I’m busy that day. I have plans already.” A muffled voice could slightly be heard on the other line.

“Yeah, well you’re going to have to pick another day.” He hangs up, frustrated.

I open the door to see him leaning over the dresser, his back facing me.

“Zack?” He turns around quickly. “Is everything alright?” I ask, a bit frightened by the anger in his eyes.

“Everything is fine. A problem I needed to take care of.” His phone beeps, signaling that he just received a text message. He flips his phone open and reads the message. His nose flares in the tiniest bit and he hastily flips the phone closed and grabs his hoodie.

“Look, babe, I have to go. I might be late so don’t wait up for me.” He gives me a quick kiss and is out the door.
“I really think something is going on with Zack, he always seems angry at something and he always leaves randomly during the day. I’m scared that he’s cheating on me.” I complain to CoCo, Laura, and Kara.

“But why would he cheat on you when you’re pregnant? That’s just stupid and it doesn’t make sense.” CoCoa answers me, rubbing my back in a comforting way.

“And why would he cheat on you? You’re everything he could ask for and so much more. He loves you. He’d be an idiot to cheat on you.” Laura replies sympathetically while holding her own swollen stomach.

“You shouldn’t worry so much about Zack. He’s a grown man and he knows what is right and wrong. Plus, stress is bad for the baby. And don’t forget, hell hath no fury like a women scorned.” Kara says.
(3rd person P.O.V.)
“No! That’s not supposed to go there! It goes over here!” Zack says, showing the florist where exactly he wanted the flowers.

“Zack! Calm down! You’ll end up dying before this even plays through.” Alex says trying to calm down Zack.

“I know, I know, but even since Sydney came, everything just seems so fucked up. I haven’t been spending as much time with Dani and Jacob. And I know for sure Dani thinks I’m cheating one her.” Zack says fixing some decorations.

“How do you know that she thinks you’re cheating on her?” Jack asks, juggling some fruit.

“From CoCoa and Laura. They aren’t exactly the best at keeping secrets.” Zack responds, snatching the fruit from Jack’s hands.

“Zack just calm down. You’ve been planning this thing for forever now and the stress is getting to you. Just take a day off and spend time with Dani and Jacob.” Rian says, being the logical one.

“You’re right Rian. After today I’m gonna take a break and spend more time with my family.” Zack sighs and takes a deep breathe. “No! That goes over there!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler...yeah. Still super busy.
I only had time for this because the power went out in the entire city and my laptop battery was full. Fun stuff.

So my friend got the Crash Moderns to play at her Sweet 16 and now I have to learn a lot of the songs so I don't look like an idiot. I only know like one song and quite frankly, that's not enough.

The stupid freshman (no offense to any freshman) got expelled from school for trying to sleep with a teacher. Haha She tried to seduce him and shit but he just went straight to the dean.
Sure the teacher that she flirted with is like a fucking Greek god but still, he's a teacher. He's 23 and he is the most amazing thing that has entered our school, but that's completely besides the point.

I'll be busy or the next month or two so don't expect a lot of updates.
Comments are loved.

Peace. Love. Happiness.
- Holly