Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

Accidents Happen

3rd Person POV

Their car was coming down the road.

The rain was just starting to come down.

As the car neared the corner, headlights turned on.

They were in the middle of the intersection, tires of the truck screeched as the gas was accelerated.

The car, destroyed from the impact, spun around on the slippery surface of the wet road.

Eventually the spinning stopped.

The truck drove away.

People came out of their homes to see the commotion.

Sirens broke the silence of the night.

Blazing lights whirled around in the black night sky.

An ambulance came to wheel away the bodies as the cops surveyed the crime scene.

More people came out to watch the spectacle.

The victims were taken away.

The culprits hidden in the crowd of onlookers.
“Will she be okay doctor?”

“She suffered some bad injuries but she’ll be fine.”

“And the baby?”

“Miraculous, the baby is fine. Although because of the accident, the baby is likely to be born prematurely.”

“But the baby will be fine?”

“Yes, the baby will be okay.”

“Thank you doctor.” Zack says, holding back his tears while holding my hand.

A straggled groan escapes my mouth and everyone turns to look at me.

“What happened?” My voice scratchy and dry.

“Hit and run car accident.” CoCoa replies grabbing my free hand and giving it a squeeze.

“Is everyone okay? How’s Zack? How’s Jacob, where is he?” I ask frantically, thoughts of losing Jacob filled my mind.

“I’m right here mommy.” Jacob says crawling into my lap and out of Alex’s grasp. He hugs me. “I thought I lost you mommy, you wouldn’t wake up.” He sniffles.

“Oh, baby. I’m right here and I’m not going any where.” A twinge of pain overcomes me.

“Mommy, did you wet the bed?” Jacob asks scrunching his face.


“The bed’s all wet.”

My eyes widen in realization.

“Somebody get the doctor.”

“What’s wrong Dani? Is every thing okay?” He grabs my hand worriedly.

“It’s the baby.”

“What? Is something wrong with the baby?”

“I think I’m about to go into labor.”
“I need you to relax, Dani. I know this is uncomfortable for you. But the pain will only get worse if you keep fidgeting. You aren’t fully healed from the crash. The nurse will give you a numbing agent so the pain won’t be too bad.” The doctor told me. I nod my head in response, grasping Zack hands as he soothingly whispers positive words to me.

“Okay. Now that you’re fully dilated, I need you to push.”

I push with all my might. Tears leak from my eyes and rush down my face.

“You’re doing great, Dani. And push once more.”

I push again. The wails of a baby fill the room.

“Congratulations! You have a new baby girl.” He smiles handing the baby over to Zack.

Zack, cradling the newborn baby in his arms, asks, “What name should we give her?”

I think for a moment as Zack hands the baby over to me. “Well, we did agree on the name Mikayla, but I’m not sure of a middle name.”

“Pick a letter.” I look at him confused. “Just pick a letter from the alphabet.”


“How about Peyton?”

“Mikayla Peyton Merrick.”
It’s been two day since Mikayla was born. I was just released from the hospital and we were going to pick up Mikayla and go home.

“Mikayla Peyton Merrick, please?”

“On moment.” The older woman checks a few lists and goes to the baby room.

As we wait, we see a man and woman quickly leave and go into the elevator.

The woman comes back. “Mikayla Peyton, you said?” She asks and we nod. “It seems that someone has already picked up the baby.”

“That can’t be. I’m her mother. No one but her parents can pick her up. Where is my baby?”

“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to sit down as I call the police. Please, remain calm.”

“No! I want my baby! Where is she? I want my baby! I WANT MY BABY!” I cry as I crumble to the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
So my cousin gave me this amazing idea that I plan on using.
I'm still super busy, sorry. Especially with my friends Sweet Sixteen. She might get NeverShoutNever and I'm super excited. Plus, her famous cousin is coming so that's cool too. I'll try and update as soon as I can.

Comments are loved. <3

Peace. Love. Happiness.
- Holly