Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

I Want My Baby Back

“Ma’am, I’d like you to tell me what exactly happened.” The officer spoke to me in what seemed to be a concerned voice.

Does he really care? Does he know what I’m going through? How I’m feeling? How bad I want my baby back? To hold in my arms. I stare ahead, not wanting the fact of my daughter being taken away from me to be true.


I look at him and blink.

“I need you to tell me what happened.” He repeats.

“Someone took my baby.” I reply plainly, not wanting the tears to come back.

“I know ma’am, but could you elaborate on the events that took place leading up to your baby being taken away.” He asks, sitting in the seat next to me.

“We were coming home from my friend’s birthday party.”


“Me, my husband, and my son, Jacob.” He nods his head, scribbling something down on a notepad.

“We were driving home, when a car crashed into us.”

“Did you see what kind of car? Maybe a license plate?”

“All I remember was that it was a big car. And it was either black or dark blue. It might have been one of those Suburbans, Denalis, or Escalades, some big SUV. Cause what ever car that hit us, did a lot of damage to our car.”

He nods his head and writes some more.

“After that I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital some time later. Then when my son, Jacob, was sitting on the bed with me, my water broke. I was rushed to the delivery room. After about 6 hours in labor, I finally had the baby.”

“Six hours? That must’ve been hard.”

“Wasn’t as bad as the 14 hours I had to overcome with Jacob.” I respond.

“Could you tell me anything else that happened?”

“I had Mikayla and then she was taken somewhere because she was born prematurely and they had to give her a check up to make sure nothing was wrong with her. Then, my husband and I went to go pick her up this morning, but–but she wasn’t there. Someone took her.” Tears begin to leak down my face.

“Is there anyone or anything that seemed odd to you in the last few days?” He asked me.

“My husband, Zack, was acting weird but all of that was cleared up at the party.”

“Is there anyone who would want to take your baby away from you?”

“No one that I can think of right now.”

“I’m sorry for what has happened, but we’ll being doing our very best to locate and rescue your daughter.” He hands me a small card. “If you begin to remember anything that may help, just give me a call. I’m extension 947.”

I nod my head and grasp the small card in my hand as he pats my shoulder. As he walks away toward the other officers, arms wrap themselves around me. Already knowing it was Zack, I turn in his arms, wrap my arms around his neck, and bury my head in his shoulder. Tears leak from my eyes and land on his shirt, creating a darker spot.

“I want my baby back Zack. I want her back. I want my baby to hold.” I cry harder into his shoulder as he soothingly rubs circles on my back.

“I know, baby, I know. I want Mikayla back too. I want the fucker who took her to be put in jail.”
“Dani? Dani? Dani are you listening to me?” CoCoa stand in front of me flailing her arms around, trying to get my attention.

“Yeah, yeah I’m listening.” I respond scratching Monster behind his ears. Lily comes over whining a little and I rub her belly.

“I know you have a lot on your mind, but Dani you need to relax. How about we go to the spa? Just us girls.” She looks at me hopefully.

I stare at her. “Come on Dani. It’s been almost a week and you haven’t left your house. We’re all worried about you, especially Zack.”

I bite my lip in response. “I want my baby back.”

She sighs. “I know, Dani. I want Mikayla back too.” She hugs me, rubbing my back. “The police are doing all that they can to get her back. They’ll get Mikayla back, don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry? CoCoa, how can I not worry about my daughter? Someone took her away from me and I just gave birth to her. I only held her in my arms once and I’ll never know when I can do that again.” I begin to cry.

“I’m sorry Dani. I know you’re having a really hard time right now. But we all want to make sure that your okay.” CoCoa hugs me, tears of her own wetting my shirt. “I just hate seeing my best friend like this.”
So say hello to all the boys at the top of this table that you’re under
Lipstick lullabies
This is sorry for the last time
And baby I understand that you’re making new friends
This is how you get by
The moral this time is
Girls make boy cry

“Hello?” I answer into the phone, praying that the police have new information about my baby.

“Hello?” I repeat after I get no answer.

I suddenly hear a scratchy voice. “You have a beautiful baby. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for the wait. I've been super busy with a but load of sweet sixteens, I have one like every weekend and I always need a new dress. It's really tiresome.
I'll still be super busy especially with my cousins wedding coming up, she's marrying her high school sweet heart. They've been together for about 13 years, it's insane.
I'll try and update as much as I can and as soon as I can.
Ive been obsessed with Katy Perry's song "Thinking of You" I'm absolutely in love with it, and I love the video for it.

Anyway, comments are loved.

Peace. Love. Happiness.
- Holly