Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

More Kids?

“So, if you’re working, how are you gonna take care of Jacob?” CoCoa asks.

“I only have to show up once a week. On Mondays and even then I can bring Jacob with me. Its part of this part time job thingy until I can work full time.” I answer as we pull into the parking lot of the dog kennel.

“Why do you get to bring Jacob?”

“Because once the principal found out that I just gave birth to Jacob, she thought it would be a great idea if I could teach the kids how to take care of babies for future preference, so I can bring Jacob. Or if they want to make babies now, they’ll know how to take care of them.” We walk into the kennel.

“You’re gonna teach teenagers how to take care of babies? Well, as long as you get paid.” She pulls out a jumbo sized Crunch bar and opens it.

“I thought you were trying to lose weight?” I say looking at the dogs.

She takes a big bite out of the candy bar and chews. “This is the last day that I can pig out on fatty, chocolaty, sugary goodness like this. So I’m savoring every bit of it.” She takes another bite. “Oh, look at those dogs! They are so cute!” She runs off and I follow her.

She stops at a cage and I look at the dogs inside.

“We have to get these dogs! They are too cute! Can we get them? Can we get them? Can we get them?” She squeals.

“Sure. You can pay for one; I’ll pay for the other.”

She squeals and spots two other dogs that she wants. “Oh my gosh1 look at those dogs! I want them too!” She runs over to the cage.

“CoCoa, how many dogs do you want?”

“Just two.” She says innocently. “So how much for all four dogs?” She asks the man at the counter.
“And how many dogs have you bought?” Zack asks holding Jacob.

“Long story short, CoCoa wanted four dogs. I bought two, she bought two. A German Shepherd and a Yorkshire Terrier each. I got the boy German Shepherd and the girl Yorkie. This is Monster.”
“And this is Lily.” Image

“This is Paradise.” CoCoa says barging in.
“And this is Choco. I named him after me.” Image

“Look Junior, mommy brought home doggies.” Alex says bouncing Alex Junior.
“So since your parents are babysitting Jacob tonight, why don’t we try for another kid?” Zack says leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

“And how do you plan on doing that Mr. Merrick?” I say facing him, giving him a kiss.

He smirks and flips us over, with him on top.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had major writers block.
Still don't know what I'm gonna do with this story.

Tell me what you think.
Comments loved. Comment on one shot ideas.

Peace & Love