Status: on hiatus, sorry =[

Your Voice Could Break the Loudest Silence

The Escape And Classrooms

Wife?!Wife?! I’m his wife! Not this skinny, fake, plastic brunette! Who does she think she is? Waltzing into my house sitting down on my couch snuggling up next to my Zack drinking out of my cup all in front of my child.

“Zack? Could you step into the kitchen with me for a second?” I ask.

“Actually, couldn’t we just stay in here? Where there’s more witnesses.” Zack says, mumbling the last part.

“No, the kitchen would be much better.” I state firmly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the kitchen.

“I’ll call Jack and tell him to get Rian and tell them to find us a new bassist.” Alex says to Zack, pulling out his phone.

“Who the hell is she?” I whisper harshly to him.

“Sydney is just a girl I dated in high school. We dated for a little less than two months. She got fed up with me being too busy with the band. So I told her that if she couldn’t deal with me being in a band, then she doesn’t have to date me. We broke up and I haven’t talked to her since.” He says truthfully.

“Then why is she here?”

“I don’t know. Me and Alex spent the last three hours trying to get her to leave. But she’d always change the subject and start looking around.”

“Then why did she say that she was your wife?”

“Cause she’s a psycho. She was the worst girlfriend I ever had. She was extremely clingy. She came in here acting all lovey dovey towards me and just made herself at home.”

“Well, we have to get her out of here.”

“What do you think me and Alex have been doing since she got here? Serenading her?”

“You better not have serenaded her. I would have skinned you alive and CoCoa would have murdered Alex in a dark alley. We’ll just make her leave then.”

I drag Zack into the living room and look at Sydney.

“Sorry, but you have to leave now. There’s a family emergency that we have to tend to.” I say with a slightly worried look on my face. Thank God for the acting skills that I got from Aunt Pattie.

“Oh, all right then. I’ll just come back another time. I hope the emergency isn’t too bad. Well, goodbye.” She says worriedly, leaving through the front door.

“There’s a family emergency? What happened?” Alex says worried.

“Nothing’s wrong Alex, I just said that to get her to leave.”
“Come on Jacob. You’re coming to work with me today.” I tell my baby boy as I buckle him into his car seat. We drive to Towson high School and look for the classroom that I’ll be teaching in. I find my classroom and open the door. Expecting to see a bunch of students, I enter an empty room. I place Jacob’s carrier on the desk and place my other bags on the floor by the desk.

“Well Jacob, I guess we’ll have to wait until the student show up. You want Benny, sweetie?” I ask him, holding his favorite stuffed monkey, Benny. Zack named him; he might have been drunk that night.

“Gah.” He smiles, reaching for the monkey. I hand it to him and kiss his forehead.

I unpack my laptop, binder, and roll call book out of my bags. I place all my things on my desk. Waiting for my students, I play with Jacob and Benny.


I jump slightly, frightened by the bell. Soon enough, a flood of students enter the classroom. I was never told how many students I would be teaching, but I did know a lot of students signed up for this class, mostly students from ages 16-18. All the students find their seats and start to talk to their friends, completely ignoring the fact that I was there.

I clear my throat to get there attention. “Hello class. I’m Mrs. Merrick and I’ll be your teacher.” I say standing up in front of the class.

“How old are you?” A girl asks, filing her nails.

“I’m 22, 23 in February.”

“So you’re fresh out of college?” A boy asks, obviously from the football team because of his varsity jacket.

“I graduated college at 16.”

“Wow, you’re really smart. Your last name sounds really familiar. What was it again?” Another girl asks. I thought she would have been the first to figure it out since she’s wearing and All Time Low shirt.

“My last name is Merrick.”

Realization dawns on her faces. “OH MY GOSH! YOU’RE ZACK MERRICK’S WIFE! AND ALEX GASKARTH’S COUSIN!” She screams practically falling off her seat.

“Who?” The girl, who asked about my age, asked.

“All Time Low! The guys on my shirt!” She replies pointing to her shirt.

The other girl looks at her shirt. “They’re hot.” She says clearly checking out the band.

“Okay, getting on with the class. In this class you’ll learn how to take care of a baby, how to prepare for a baby, and how to deal with the emotion and physical aspects of having a baby.”

“Will we go over how babies are made?” The jock asks, making his friends laugh, giving them all high-fives.

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure you can ask your parents about that. See how they’ll respond to that.”

“So how is it being Zack Merrick’s wife?” The girl asks.

“Ah. Ooooo.” Jacob giggles, hearing his father’s name. I take him out of his carrier and hold him in my arms, kissing his forehead. He smiles up at me. All the girls “Aww” at how cute he is.

“He’s so cute.” All the girls come up and crowd around me oogling over Jacob. He’s gonna be a total ladies man when he grows up.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I don't really like this chapter.
Well, at least not the second part.

Tell me what you think. Comments are loved.
One shot ideas are loved as well.

Peace & Love