Status: On Hiatus

Unholy Confessions

New School

The ride to the school was kinda quiet. I think everyone was still tired. Brian told me that Matt, Zacky, and the girls come in together. Either Matt would drive or Zacky would, cause the girls, like Johnny, couldn’t drive yet. I told him that once my car got there he wouldn’t have to drive me anymore. Brian parked the car and we all got out. I followed them over to a big oak tree. As they sat down I remembered that I had to go to the office to get my schedule. I told them this and Brian said he would take me. We walked into the building and Brian led me to the office. We walked in and up to he secretary.

“Mr. Haner. School hasn’t even started yet. What did you do now? She asked Brian as we walked to her desk.

“What? Nothing. I was showing Rainy where the office was cause she needs her class schedule.” Brian explained to her. “Honestly Mrs. Mason, I haven’t done anything. Yet.” He added saying the last part in a whisper but I think she heard him cause she was shaking her head.

“So you’re the new student uh, Lorraine Graham.” She asked me as she looked at a sheet of paper.


“Okay, well here is your schedule and on there is your locker number and combination.” She said handing me the paper. I took it as she said. “Enjoy Huntington High.”

“Thanks.” I said and Brian and I walked out.

“So why would she think that you had done something wrong, Mr. Haner?” I asked with a smirk.

“Huh? What? Oh um, I have no idea why she would think that.” He said.

“Yeah sure. Somehow I doubt that.” I said laughing.

“Where were you two”. Amber asked raising her eyebrows at me with a smirk as we got to the tree.

“I took Rainy to go get her schedule.” Brian said sitting down.

“Oh, let me see.” Matt said sticking his hand out. I gave him the paper and sat down next to Amber and Johnny.

“Well you have at least one of us in every class except art. None of us are taking that.” He said after he looked over my schedule. He said who all was in my classes. Except Amber, Johnny, and Melinda weren’t in any of our classes cause they were a year below us. That sucks, but what can you do?

First- history with Brian and Matt
Second- science with Jimmy
Third- Monday and Wednesday music with all of the, Tuesday and Thursday art with none of them, Friday free period
Fourth- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday gym with all of them, Tuesday and Thursday health with all of them
Fifth- English with all of them
Sixth- math, Matt and Zacky

I took my schedule back and put it in my bag. We all talked for awhile until the bell rang. We got up and headed inside. Once in side everyone went their own ways to their classes and Matt, Brian and me went to history. We were walking kinda slow and when we got there everyone was already there. We went in and the teacher came up to me.

“You must be Lorraine.”

“Yes. But call me Rainy.”

“You got it. Um here is your book. Hey class listen up.” He said and the whole class got quiet. “We have a new student. Everyone this is Rainy. Make her feel welcome. Now lets see, you can sit..” he said looking around for a empty seat.

“She can sit here.” Matt spoke up pointing to a seat between him and Brian. The teacher, whose name is Mr. Baxter, nodded and I went and sat down. Mr. Baxter started talking about the presidents. I just tuned him out while Matt and I talked. Brian fell asleep about five minutes after Mr. Baxter started talking. The class went by pretty quick. The bell rang and we all walked out. I saw Jimmy standing there waiting. Me and him walked to science. When I got in the teacher, Mrs. Vaughn gave me a book and introduced me to the class, much like Mr. Baxter. I took the seat at the lab table with Jimmy. We decide that it would be more fun to play hang man instead of listening to the teacher. Like history class, science went by fast.

Now Jimmy and me were walking down the halls heading to music class. We got in and took seats at the back. Slowly Matt, Brian and Zacky came in and sat with us. The teacher came in and started the class. This one the boys and I actually paid attention to the lesson. Soon the bell was ringing signaling lunch. Good timing to cause my stomach started growling. We went to the cafeteria and got our food. We took it outside and went over to the tree. We ate out food and talked, nothing special. Then the bell rang and we all headed in. I had to find my locker to put my history and science books in there. The guys came with me and we found out that my locker was close to all of theirs. I was actually like seven lockers down from Brian’s.

Once I put my books away, we all headed to gym. The guys told me we had to wear guy uniforms. Once I got in the girls locker room I found a gym teacher and told her that I was new. She gave me a uniform and took me to a locker. She told me to change and go to the gym. I changed putting my things in the locker and closing it and went to the gym. I saw the guys and went over to them. A couple gym teachers came out and said we were splitting up into four groups. One group would go out and run track, one would go out and play tennis, one group would play basketball, and the other groups would play volleyball. We got to chose were we wanted to go. The boys and I chose to play basketball. we played two-on-two. Me and Brian against Jimmy and Matt. Zacky was ref. Matt told me he was on the schools basketball team. Brian and me won by like ten points. The others just looked at me shocked.


“Nothing. Your just a good B-ball player.” Matt said.

“Yeah. Your even better than Matt.” Jimmy said laughing.

“My dad taught me how to play when I was little.” I told them. “But my real game is Baseball.” They all looked at Zacky when I said that.

“Zacky here plays baseball. He loves the game.” Brian said.

“Well baseball is better than basketball.” I said.

“The hell it is.” Matt nearly yelled with a shocked look on his face. We all laughed at him. The gym teacher came over and said we could head back to the locker rooms and change. The guys went to the boys locker room and I went to the girls. As I was changing a group of preppy girls came up to me.

“Hi. I’m Jenna. That’s Stacy, Brenda, Josie, and Kat.” She said pointing to each girl. They all looked the same. They were all either dressed in something baby blue or something pink. Eww gross. Three of them had bleach blond hair and the other two had brown. They all looked really stuck up and I bet they thought that they were the best thing to ever walk this earth.

“You’re the new girl, right?” the one named Kat asked me.

“Yeah.” I said pulling on my shirt.

“We saw you play basketball with the rejects. You should hang out with us.” Stacy said.

“Why would I do that?” I asked.

“Well we are really popular in this school and hanging with us, you’ll get that status as well.” Jenna said to me.

“Well thanks, but no thanks. Those ‘rejects’ as you called them are my friends. And besides I don’t hang with preppy snobs, so you all can just get away from me.” I said to them and turned around to finish getting dressed. I heard them start to walk away and then I heard Jenna speak.

“You’ll regret saying that. I’m gonna make your life a living hell.” With that she turned and walked away with her minions. I just laughed and grabbed my bag and left the locker room. I met up with the guys in the hall.

“What took you so long?” Jimmy asked.

“Oh some bitch started with me in the locker room.” I told them.

“Was her name Jenna?” Brian asked.

“Yeah. How’d you know it was her?”

“She is like the queen of all bitches. She thinks she’s better than everyone cause she head cheerleader and her family is rich. What did she want? Did she try to recruit you into her clan?" He asked.

“Yeah she did but I turned her down. I told her I don’t hang out with her kind. She said that I would regret turning her down and that she would make my life a living hell. I just laughed.” I said to them. We were walking to our next classes. For me it was math with Matt and Zacky.

“Just ignore her. She’s mostly all talk.” Matt said.

“Oh don’t worry. I would really love to see what she’d do to me.” I said.
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