The Theft

Chapter 10

The doors made a quiet ‘swish’ when Gerard closed it, Jennipher and he stepping out into the mild Jersey air. He followed closely behind her as they treaded down the street, only a good three blocks from their apartment. Jennipher smiled at him and looped their arms again.

“So,” she began. “You didn’t tell me how the tour was.”

“Thought Frank would tell you,” he shrugged.

“Frank and I haven’t really…talked about tour lately. Been a bit busy catching up and stuff, y’know.”

“Catching up?” Gerard asked, the question evident in his voice.

“Yeah, like, I don’t know. Whenever Frank and I are separated for a while, we always need a period to just…re-connect and stuff, remind each other why we’re together again. It might sound weird, and a little unstable for our relationship but eh, I don’t know. It works,” Jennipher further explained.

“I see. Well uh, tour was fine. It was a lot of fun, a lot of playing.”

“Well obvi,” she giggled, smiling up at him.

“Shut up,” Gerard chuckled, realizing how stupid he just sounded. “I wasn’t finished. Uh, Frank fell off of Bob’s drum set, did he tell you?”

“That he did. Told me he broke his toes again, but they’re okay now.”

“Yup. He also went on this psycho frenzy one day and totally kicked me in the balls during a show. I, personally, didn’t get what the fuck I’d done to him.”

Jennipher started laughing, “Did he really?”

“Oh yeah, fuckin’ hyper little thing,” he said hotly, but laughed along with her, taking a turn down off the main street, leading to theirs.

“So,” Jennipher began, smiling up at him. “Meet any girls?”

“Fan girls, yes.”

“Gerard!” She exclaimed. “You know what I mean. Any Girls?”

Gerard felt his cheeks burn bright red before shaking his head, his black hair whipping all over. In the back of his head, he had the right mind to admit to her that she was all he thought about during the tour. And every time he saw another girl, he wished it was she, and she was on his mind when his hand slipped down into his pants…

“Shame,” Jennipher added. “You’re a cute kid.”

Gerard blushed some more, a smile threatening to break at his lips before yelling, “Hey! I’m not a kid!”

“Aw, yes you are!” And she proceeded to reach her other hand up and pinch his cheek. “You’re a cute little kiddly-widdly.”

“Am not,” Gerard huffed, frowning down at her. “If anything, you’re the kid.”

“How am I a kid?”

Gerard scrunched up his face in thought over that one before shrugging, “Haven’t decided yet.”

“Uh-huh, you’re a whore.”

“You love it.”

“I do,” Jennipher admitted, smiling up at him. “It’s your best quality.”

“Thanks, skank.”

Jennipher gave him a cheesy grin, before reaching over to give him a small peck on the cheek. Gerard could feel his insides turn to mush, his blood running cold quickly. His eyes popped open, his mouth open a little in shock as he looked down at her, a huge grin tugging at her lips.

“Gerard, we really should hang out more during this break. I really have missed you,” she said softly as she looked down the ground, watching their feet move simultaneously in step. “I’d really like that.”

“I-me too Jennipher,” he agreed, feeling his heartbeat gradually pick up.

It clicked in the back of his mind somewhere, but it was too far off for him to understand. But he suddenly got the urge to tell her everything. Confess that she’s been all he could think about. Tell her he’s still in love with her. Admit that he’d like another chance with her, a wish for them to get back to how they were in high school. Yes, the feeling was so strong, that Gerard opened his mouth, ready to form the words.

But was interrupted by a sudden: “There you guys are!”

His head snapped up, and saw Frank rushing towards them, his long brown bang flipping in the wind. His sneakers slapped against the concrete loudly as he approached, finally coming to a halt in front of them.

“I woke up this morning and found both of you gone! Good thing I found your note, Jenn.”

“Yeah, good thing,” Gerard muttered, glaring daggers into the side of his head as he kept his gaze glued to Jennipher.

“Well anyway, Hambone called. They’re having a get together at his house in a bit and he invited us. You guys wanna go?”

Gerard knew this wasn’t really directed at him, but at Jennipher rather. He knew Hambone had probably called and invited only Frank and Jennipher, but since Frank found the both of them together, he invited him too. Out of pure kindness, not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Good ole Frank.
…Fuckin’ dick.

“Sure!” Jennipher piped, nudging Gerard out of his thoughts. “How about you, Gee?”

He almost lost his breath as soon as his old nickname left her lips, but bounced back quickly, saying, “No, I think I’ll head on home. I got some stuff to work on.”

Jennipher gave him a look of concern, but Frank just shrugged, “If you’re sure, dude.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Gerard said coolly. Why? He wasn’t really sure about that one. He was just about to have this whole conversation, professing his love for her and Frank just interrupted. So now he was a little sour, a little upset his chance had come and gone just like that.

“Okay,” Jennipher said warily, un-looping arms with him. “I guess I’ll see you later then, Gerard.”

“Yeah, bye Gerard.”

And with that, Jennipher hugged him quickly and walked off with Frank, him stuffing one hand in his pocket and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers.

“Yeah…Bye,” he said sadly and turned in the opposite direction toward home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, poor Gerard...he's all alone now.
God, Frank seems to be everywhere - doesn't he?
I know, I haven't updated this in, finals, etc.
I just hope someone reads and enjoys, this chapter's been hidden away.
