Untitled Bam Margera

Skylines And Turnstiles

"Time to get up princess," i heard bam whisper in my ear.

"Holy shit! what time is it?!" i yelled as i realized that i was supposed to pick up novak from the airport.

"The boys are ready and you dont have time to change clothes. Heres the keys to the keys to the blue hummer and heres some advil," he said as he handed my stuff.

i ran up the stairs as bam slowly walked up them. i still had on my shoes so i ran out to the hummer and saw that the boys were already in it.

"Morning my monsters," i said as i started the hummer and peeled out of the drive way.

"Morning mama bear," they respsonded at the same time.

"So you ready to meet your uncle novak?" i asked them.

they responded in a chorus of yeahs.

"I know youll like him. so who put you to bed last night?" i asked them.

"Grandpa and dunn did cause-" Narwhal said.

"- they always do," Pheonix finished.

"i love how you guys can do that" i said as i chuckled.

"Im tired," Pheonix said about half way to the airport.

"Then take a nap," i said as i tried to get rid of my headache.

by the time we were at the airport both boys were asleep. i parked the hummer and woke them up. Novaks plane came in 10 minutes after we got there.

"Come on boys lets go wait for uncle novak," i said as we walked into the airport.
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here is a most wonderful update!
sry ive not been updating but i hve good news!
ive been clean and sober for almost 2 weeks!
i nevr thought i could but i am!!!!!!
i shall update when i get 5 comments!
thnk you and goodnight!