Status: HIATUS. sorry.

Headbands and Pleated Skirts

Hard to Get

"Hey guys."

"OMG, Gina! Come here I need to tell you something immediately." It was Rachel; she was early today.

"Okay, coming." I walked over to where she and Jessica were standing. "Okay I'm here, what's the hub-hub all about?"

"I got us tickets to Tokio Hotel next Saturday!!" I swear the whole world knew now. But I have to admit I was pretty excited! I love Tokio Hotel! Especially the drummer Gustav. Mmm, yummy. I was just nervous about asking my parents about that, too.

"Who will be going with us?"

"Well, I already invited Jess, and since there were four tickets I also invited my 22-year-old cousin."

"Okay cool." Then something hit me, both mentally and phisically. "OW!" I turned behind me to see you threw that. "Jasen and his buddies were snickering in the corner, so i suspected it was them. Whatever. Jerks

But i had forgotten that those twins from Italy were coming to "visit" next week. I can't abandon them. Ugh, curse me for being a good person. [wink]

"Okay, now for my news..." So I told them all about it, and boy were they shocked.

"OMG! I am so coming over to your house. Is he cute? Will the girl be nice?" And on and on with the questions they went. Thankfully the bell rang and I could get out of there. But there was another problem I had to deal with now. Dan and his party.

While we were walking up the steps to our designated classrooms, I decided to tell him, so I could at least get away temorarily if he freaks. I found him in the crowd and approached him.

This was not going to be easy

"Hey, Dan. I need to talk to you about the party."

"Okay, shoot."

"Uh, well, um..." I wasn't getting anywhere with this. Come on, Gina, pick it up you can do it! "Uh, I'm not sure if I can go to your party," think of an escuse, come on, "because...I have other things to do, better things." There, play hard to get.

"Okay sure, but try to clear your schedule, I have a surprise I want to give you." He winked at me and then walked off with his buddies.

A surprise? For me? Woah.

During the rest of the walk to class, I told the girls what had happened. They were just as shocked, and confused.

- - - ♥ - - -

In the middle of third period math, I recieved a text. It was from Dan! He was in a different room because our class was put into groups two years ago according to develpoment in math. He wasn't one of the smarter ones, but he was really good in other things, just not math. I was in the "smarter" class and was already staring on Alg. 2.

Anyways the text convo went like this:

'Hey Gi.'

'Hi, wat do u want? we cud get in trouble.'

'i wanted 2 tell u how much i want u 2 go 2 my party'



'wow, thanks'

'r u sure u dont want 2 come?'

'i do, just...'

'just wat?'

'nvm, gtg'

'bye :('

I had made him sad. I think this hard to get thing is working, but i am going to show up at that party. He just won't know it until I walk through his door looking H-O-T hot!
♠ ♠ ♠
what is the big surprise? I don't know.......
