Status: HIATUS. sorry.

Headbands and Pleated Skirts

Only The Beginning

Here we go.

My bus has just pulled up to the curb in front of my school where all the students stand before we go in. I brace myself for the plunge. As I step off the bus I send my daily thank you up to the Lord for not letting me trip. I see my friend Jessie standing in the circle that our 8th grade always forms in the morning. I wave to her.


“Hey girl! It’s been so boring without you!”

“Sorry bus was a little late this morning.” Thank God or I would’ve never made it on the bus.

“Oh, wow. Well anyway I was just wondering; can you come over this weekend? ‘Cause if you can’t it is okay with me.”

“Oh. Um…I don’t know if I can. I didn’t clean my room so my mom might not let me.” Wow what a bad excuse. Like my mom would ever not let me go somewhere because I didn’t clean my room. Hopefully Jessie won’t see right through my lie. I really just don’t feel like going somewhere this weekend. I like my only breaks from school to be peaceful. Maybe I would go to Barnes and Nobles at the Promenade and read a book in their sitting area, or maybe go to the park. I could always just lie in my room and relax. Or maybe…

“Hey Gigi!” I hear in a sing-song voice that was obviously meant to mock me. My thoughts had been interrupted. By who? Oh, well that was the wonderful 7th grader, Jasen. I just went with the same plan I always go with, to ignore him, but something couldn’t tear me away from snapping back.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Okay big girl,” he said imitating the song he always sang around me, “Watch Out for the Big Girl.” I can’t stand that song. I might not be the little anorexic stick that is supposedly “pretty,” but I am not big and fat. I'm average. And I'm really tall, 5'9" to be exact.

“God, you annoy the shit out of me.” Yes, I do curse. But when you around these kinds of people all your life it drives you to these conclusions.

“So? Just looking at you scares the shit out of me.”

“Can you just go away? If I disturb you so much there should be no problem.” Was there a hint of cleverness in that statement? I think there was!

“Whatever, big girl.” He walked away. Finally!

“Ugh. And stay away!”

“Man he annoys me so much,” Jessie says. I completely forgot she was there. Why didn’t she jump in and help me when Jasen was acting like the jerk he is?

“Ditto. Ugh, and speaking of annoying look who is coming.” I tilt my head over to the sidewalk where I see Rachel strutting down the street. She is Muslim and has had to wear a head scarf since the 7th grade. Today she had a blue one on with white swirls in it. We used to be really good friends, but we really have been to drifting away. We still talk, but she can be so immature, and it really gets to me.

“Hey Gina!” she says while walking up the steps. God my annoyance level is already in the red zone, and school hasn’t even started yet. I hear the school bell ring signaling the start of school and for us to go inside. Jessie and I turn around from the hustle and bustle that is going on as kids all around us try to finish their conversations. We start our walk pretty much off the plank on a pirate ship to our death. It’s not really that bad, but some days, you can’t tell the difference.

“You go first,” she says to me.

“No, you.”

“Let’s just go together.”


We are helpless either way.
♠ ♠ ♠
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