Funeral For Love: Turn Of Legacy

Chapter 1

Jessie was not the most popular girl in school, in fact, she was not even in existence according to her classmates. She didn't even get the comfort she wanted while walking home from school. She was an attractive girl, but she turned down boys who asked her to go out with them so much, to the point where they didn't like her any longer. They got it in their heads to ignore or either terrorize her with their revengeful methods.

Once, she had discovered a jockstrap in her locker which had a piece of molded cheese in it. It was put there over the weekend to let the aroma soak right into her books. She had then did some shenanigans of her own. She had put a bag of rotten eggs in their gym, right under a loose board that she had accidentally found while trying to be 'helpful' to the janitor by mopping the floor. It was the Principal's suggestion instead of a three days suspension for spilling a plate of spaghetti on some girl's head. Oh what wonders it had done for Samantha's blond hair.

Her parents never really talked to her about anything useful. Mostly just how much money a bag of Coke is or what marijuana is the best. She had tried some of that stuff when she was ten years old and vowed to never do it again. Whenever she refuses a joint passed by her mother or father, they look at her as if she is the scum of the earth.

"Your momma musta slept with another man, 'cause there ain't no way you came from me."

Which of course, was a lie. No matter how she wished it weren't. She had his same hazel green eyes and dark hair that she had taken to dye black. She didn't look anything like her mother. Just the woman parts mostly and maybe the shape of her face, but other than that, no resemblance.

Her mother was a beautiful woman before the addiction. Jessica had seen pictures of her when she was her age. She had the same wavy brown hair and piercing blue eyes except her hair was now tangled and never put up and her eyes were all but blood shot.

Her father was handsome himself. Straight out of high school when her parents got married and had her. They were normal until she turned three years old.

Her father had lost his job as a mechanic and they soon lost their house. He started to sell drugs for a gang in the center of New York City. That's when everything went down into a big steamy pile of shit. Her father not only sold the drugs, but he got to keep half of what he was given to sell. If he didn't sell enough he would be beaten to the point where he was almost dead. They then would not give him his share which meant that it was all going to go out on her and her mother.

She didn't really start to get beaten until she was five years old. She would never forget that day. That day was when her father's friends were there as well.

"Come on Sweetie. Daddy just wants to talk to you." She was hiding under the bed because that's what she always did when her father's friends were there. She slowly slid out and her father picked her up and placed her on his lap.

"Alright, fellas. What shall we do tonight?"

"Well, I don't know boss. What do you think we should do?"

"I think we should teach this little lady what it's like to be a drug dealer." He sat her on the chair and got up. She didn't know what was gonna happen. How could a five year old expect that her father was gonna hit her in the head with a metal can? She didn't even go to school and didn't know how to read.

She started to cry and blood was running down the front of her face onto the only shirt that she owned.

"Daddy? What are you doing?"

Her mother heard her crying and her maternal instincts led her into the room.

"Matthew! What the hell is your problem?!" She grabbed for her daughter but was held back by Ted and Barney.

"Now now. Don't fret Mrs. Morelli. We'll take care of everything. We brought you a present." He pointed to three white lines on the table and a straw next to them. " Don't worry. We'll take care of everything. Enjoy yourself."

Jessica looked at her mother, pleading her to take her where it is safe. Her mother just looked at her and her face changed from a worried mother, to a greedy addict in an instant. She started to snort the white fire into her brain. Chemical reactants were taking control of Jessica's only savior.

"Mommy, help me, please?" Jessica pleads. Her mother looked at her with disgust.

"Do as your father says, you little wretch. I'm busy." Jessica turned to her father.

"You heard your mother. Do as I say."

Jessica is awakened from her nightmare.

"Are you okay?" She looks into a kind face, but she knows that people can hide who they truly are and easily at that.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She says without emotion.

"Do you need help to class?" He must be new, but even new comers know to stay away from her. She smiles.

"I don't know. I think you're the one who needs help to class." He turns red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to impress you, I guess." Her smile faded.

"I think it would be best that you didn't. I'm a bad influence." She started to walk toward the building.

"You don't look like you are." He grabbed her shoulder and saw that it made her flinch. "I'm sorry. Did I frighten or hurt you?"

It had frightened her but mostly because it hurt. Her father had had a bad time selling. He didn't get his half. He was especially angry that night. She shakes her head.

"No. You just caught me off guard. I'm not used to it." What a lie? "What brings you to Jersey?" She knew she shouldn't associate with people. Anyway, she thought, after he heard what people were saying about her, he would bother her no longer.

"My Dad's a salesman and his company moved here. More opportunity, he said." Jessica couldn't help but laugh.

"I know." He looks down at his feet. The warning bell rang.

"Well, the office is right there." She pointed to a door with 'OFFICE' on it in big black letters. "I have to go. See ya."

"Uh.....okay." He started toward the door and suddenly turned to see that she was gone. "Thank you, Ms. Mystery." He whispers to himself as he walks into the brightly lit office.
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