Fangs And Royalty

Chapter 1

It was a dark night. The darkest night of the year. Tabby was running through the field blindly. Running to get away from the monster trailing behind her. He was gaining fast. She could almost feel his hot breath against her back. She had never seen a monster as powerful as this, of course she had heard of the Magadon Pixie, but only thought them as a myth.

You might laugh at the fact that a vampire is running for their life from a pixie, but Magadon Pixies aren't like the ones that are called fairies in some societies. No, these are the most horrible. They aren't like any other monster. They were thought to be extinct.

Magadon Pixies are of human form and size, they have no wings but they are extremely fast and strong. They were known to live in human societies without even being known. They eat human food, they sleep like humans, they only thing different appearance wise of a human and a Magadon Pixie is that the pixie has a mark on the inside of it's lip.... if you are close enough to see this mark, you are most certainly dead.

The Magadon Pixie after Tabby is named Jedediah. The Magadon Pixie only comes out on the darkest of nights and is returned to human at the break of dawn and every night after the first transformation, the human in the day turns to the night reaper as soon as the scorching sun sinks down, turning the land around it into it's personal playground.

These particular pixies only hunt for the royalty of the darkness, vampires. The unlucky vampire this night would happen to be Tabitha DeMorica, one of the most adored of her kind.

She runs for her life this night keeping just inches from his gaping jaws. If she can keep him running long enough, it will soon be dawn and she will be able to escape as the creature changes back to human form. Not even knowing what happened to them or how they even got to where they were to begin with.

She runs with all her might and starts to become calmer as she sees the sun peeking through the tops of the trees. She stops running at the sound of the creature falling and jumps with relief. She doesn't bother to turn and look, all she is worried about is getting back to her castle and telling her parents about the close encounter.

Since we had the Magadon mythology somewhat cleaned up, let's start on the vampires. They do not burn to a crisp at the sun, they just don't like the way it feels on their cool skin and they don't see too well in the daylight.

When sent out on errands, they have to wear sunglasses and just deal with the sun. They can see their reflections, you can see them in photographs, and they eat things more than just blood.

To top all that, the ones who live in and near the DeMorica castle all are vampires who feed on the blood of animals to keep their strength up.

"Tabitha, where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick." Her mother says with an air of strictness.

"Mother, Father. The Magadon Pixies are back. I was chased by one just before I came here. Don't worry, I led it around in circles." Her father looked at her intently, examining the way she told her story. With the realization of non honesty, he breathed a human sigh of worry.

'Do you know of how many there were?" He asks.

"No Father, it was just that one."

"Did you happen to get a glimpse of it's human form?"

"No Father."

"Very well. We will call the guards to a most urgent meeting. Go and ring the guards alarm. We all must discuss this immediately."

"Yes Father." She bows her head and walks off to obey her Father's orders. She pressed the guards alarm and went to her room for her parents to discuss their matters privately as expected.
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Again.... Feed back is always welcomed :)