In My Own Little World

So What Now?

I would be lying to you if I had told you I wasn't scared. Waking up after you've been in a car accident and discovering that you've been thrown into some other place is scary. Don't believe me? Try it sometime. But regardless of my feelings at the time, you wouldn't know that I was scared. I am a very collected person, and I almost never freak out about anything. Miles on the other hand was frantically looking from one scenic view to the next, and not recognizing any of it. I observed him as he jogged down to the hedge we plowed through, touching it all around the edges of the gaping hole, and stepping through and back again as if that would somehow undo what we had done. Frustrated and obviously unnerved he returned to me.

"So what now?! We go on a weekend drive, crash, and when we wake up we're in f*cking Narnia or something for Christ's sake! What are we going to do Eevee?!" It may seem like Miles is easily frightened, but I know I can always count on him when things get sticky, for example, right now. The truth was I didn't know what to do either. But it was no use trying to go back, whatever had brought us here was gone now, otherwise there would be some magic portal or something that we could see, right?

"Well it's no use freaking out Miles. Let's just take this one step at a time. Come on, and help me wake up the others." We headed back to Bertha, and I pried open the front door and shook Angie gently on the arm. She moaned and pulled her head painfully up from the steering wheel.

"God. How long have I been out?" she inquiered, as she looked at the sunlight pouring down on us.

"I don't know Angie, but do you feel okay? Nothing broken?" She gave herself the once over.

"I think I'm A-OK. Where's Drake?"

"Right here." Drake grunted. He wasn't as well off as the rest of us, he had a busted lip from hitting his face into the dash board. Upon closer inspection he was okay otherwise, but his face had swollen, making him look like he had just gotten lip implants or something.

"Guys, there's something you need to see." Miles said. So we helped Drake and Angie out of the car, and showed them the view.

"Oh my god..." was all that Angie said. Drake looked ready to run back into the car.

"Something ain't right about this place. It feels wierd, almost evil. I want to leave." Drake walked back to the car without saying another word. I understood what he meant. This place did feel strange, but I couldn't figure out why. But there was no helping it now.

"We can't go back! I tried that already! Do you see a road here, no. There used to be a road here! This place is freaking me out man." Miles looked panicky, but Angie and I were strangely calm, as if this sort of thing happens all the time. I turned to Angie, "I don't feel comfortable leaving the area just yet. Maybe whatever, or whoever I thought, brought us here will come back. Let's explore the cottage."

We tried to convince Drake to come inside with us, but he would have none of it, stubbornly sitting in the passenger seat like a spoiled child demanding a ride home. After a while we just agreed to leave him in the car while we explored the cottage. I was the first one to step onto the porch. It was stone, and looked very old, vines of ivy creeping up the support beams. It had this feel like it had always been there, and always would be there, if that makes any sense. I walked up to the front door and knocked. No answer. Angie came to stand beside me, and Miles brought up the rear. I knocked twice more, just in case somebody lived there and just didn't hear the knock. No answer. "Lets just go inside already!" Burst Miles impatiently, and he forced his way between us and turned the knob. The scent of rotten wood and mildew greeted us when the door creaked open. I could see the living room just inside, with random bits of furniture strewn about. Taking a deep breath, Miles passed over the threshold and observed the dank little living room.

"Ugh. It stinks in here!" exclaimed Angie, covering her nose and mouth with the top of her shirt. There were no stairs, and no bathroom. A tiny wooden cupboard and a wooden board attached to the wall served as a "kitchen."

"Well guys, I guess this is gonna have to be home for the time being." Miles laughed and Angie pouted, but it's not like we had any other option, besides Big Bertha. Suddenly we heard a scream that sounded a little too much like Drakes....