In My Own Little World

Off to a Bad Start

At the sound of Drake in distress, Angie was the first one out the door, followed quickly by Miles and myself.

What I saw next shook the very foundation of my beliefs.

There was Drake, half in and half out of the car, surrounded by these tiny people. Well they weren't EXACTLY tiny, they were about half the size of a human, so kind of like a hobbit I guess? What stood out the most was that they all had vibrant green hair, as green as the grass in springtime. Their clothes were a mottled mixture of greens and oranges and browns, giving them a swirly, magical appearance. There was only one conclusion I could make, a conclusion that had my brain stuck in a loop of impossibility.

They were Fairy Folk.

The only reason I could come to this conclusion so positively was that we had been learning about Fairy Folk in my Mythology class for most of the semester.

Don't be fooled by the term "fairy".

There are many different types of Fairy Folk, the one that we typically think of is like Tinkerbell, which is actually called a pixie, a sub category of Fairy Folk. There are many others, and I assumed that these people must be one of those other types because that was the only logical conclusion I could find. I love learning about magical beings and the myths about them from different cultures, but of course I had thought them to be just that, myths. Apparently wherever we ended up last night was a place where fairies exist. Several of them had Drake by the arm, and were eagerly attempting to pull him through the open window, thus the screaming. Because of their small size, I think Angie assumed they were harmless, or just didn't care. She started towards the car immediately, but Miles and I hesitated having noticed the small spears that each of them held in their hands, and the quiverful of arrows strapped to their backs.

"Hey you little hooligans! Get away from my boyfriend!" She began marching through the crowd of little creatures towards a still screaming Drake, reminding me of an absurd version of the parting of the Red Sea. Actually it was more like "the parting of the green sea" to be honest. If she was hoping there wasn't going to be any resistance, she was dead wrong. As soon as she began to force her way to the car, she was accosted on all sides by the fairies. They moved so quickly I could barely catch what happened.

All in the span of about one second, two of the little fairies had tied their spears together with vines and tied Angie to the makeshift pole. Several of the others tipped her sideways, carrying her away like a pig to be roasted over an open fire. This all happened so quickly, I didn't know what to react to first. Drake was still screaming, trying desperately to hold on to the interior of the vehicle, while Angie was hurriedly being carried off towards the treeline behind the house. I don't think they had noticed me and Miles yet.

"What should we do Eevee?!" Miles asked me quietly, trying not to attract attention to us. I took a quick look around and spied a huge bush, part of the hedge we'd crashed through earlier.

"Quick! Behind that!" We quickly but quietly slid behind the shrub.

"This is bad. We can't do anything without getting captured! You saw what they did to Angie right? What were those things?! Or have I just gone crazy? I bet thats it, some crazy dream and I'm in the hospital from the accident and everythings completely normal and-"

"God Miles just shut up!" I growled impatiently. He always rambles when he's frightened. We've been here 5 minutes and already TWO of my friends are being hauled off by fairies. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, gaining my bearings.

"Okay. So we can't help them when we're so outnumbered, and if we try we'll just end up captured. So. . . we have two options. Try to help them and get captured, and at least we will all be together. Or. . ." I let the last part of my thought hang in the air, making Miles impatient.

"Or what?!" he demanded. I fixed him with a mischievous grin.

"Or we beat the little ambushers at their own game! Let's follow them. See where they go. And when the time is right we can rescue the others." Miles face now wore a mischievous grin of its own. We were so made to be partners in crime. Destiny.

"Sounds good to me. Come on! Before they all leave!"

We flew from behind the shrubery to drink in the sight of an empty clearing, the car deserted. Little baby footprints led off into the woods, the thick, creepy, silent woods.
