A Newborn Secret

A newborn Secret

The night was warm and the moon lit the meadow up with a white glow. The perfect setting for me and Cassie. Although, the clouds along the horizon posed a threat to this beautiful night. I hoped she would get here soon before the storm hit.
This was going to be a great night, it would be like when we first met. Full of joy, laughter and excitement. But before all that there is something she is not telling me. Although she claims there is nothing wrong, I know differently. I wonder what could be going on. Tonight she was going to tell me just like she promised me in the mall earlier today.


“You seem different recently Cassie,” I told her in a soft tone.
“A good thing or a bad thing?” she asked jokingly, looking confused and startled.
“Well, it is kind of a bad thing,” I replied. “You seem to be more secretive than usual, like you’re hiding something from me. You have been very quiet the last week or two as well. Is there something bothering you?”
“No I feel fine, just some stuff going on at home is all,” she said with her eyes staring at the floor, “nothing big.”
Something did not feel right. Usually when she talks to me she looks me in the eye. This was not like her at all.
“Come on Cass, I can tell when something is bothering you,” I said in a calming tone, “you can tell me, I will still love you. What’s bothering you?”
Cassie stared at the floor for a minute then looked directly at me.
“Meet me tonight in the field where we had our first date. I will be there around 8 and I will tell you then. Just don’t ask me about it here, I don’t want to tell you here of all places.”
“Promise?” I asked making sure.
“Yes, I promise,” she replied smiling as she took my hand and pulled me off to the store, on the right, that had blouses on sale.


Cassie has never been the type to hold something in, or not tell me what was bothering her. When something bothers her she usually tells me right that minute whether it be on the phone or in person. She speaks her mind. But not this time, she is as shy as she was when she first came to Red Hollow.
We first met in grade 5 when she moved here to Red Hollow, Kentucky. She was a beautiful girl, bright blue eyes, and shoulder length auburn hair. She had just moved in from Washington DC, and had never lived in a small town before. She knew no one in the area and the kids around this town tended to be cruel to new comers. So I thought I could make her feel welcome. I went over and introduced myself,. She was defiantly shy at first, but she eventually became comfortable around me. We became best of friends very quickly.
Then there was a noise in behind me and I snapped back into reality. I turned to take a quick look and saw a car drive by the fence. My heart skipped a beat. It was a car that was very similar to Cassie’s but it was not her. My heart paced itself back to normal and I began to wonder.
“Where could she be?” I thought aloud.
I looked down at my watch, it was 8:17 PM. She was late, which was very unusual. The last time she was late it was only because of a traffic jam, but usually she was on time or even a little earlier than me. I was beginning to worry.
I dug in my pocket for my cell phone, and punched in her number. The cell rang for a moment or two but no one answered. I tried once more but nothing happened.
Now that is really odd I thought, she never failed to answer her cell before.
Just then my cell rang, I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her home number on the screen. My heart jumped, and I sighed in relief.
At least I knew she was okay.
I opened up the cell and asked right away “Hey Cassie why are you still..” then I stopped and listened into the cell, there was someone crying on the other end. “Cassie?”
“No this is... Linda Polimer... Cassie’s mother,” the voice replied spitting out the words as she cried.
“What’s wrong Miss Polimer?” I asked instinctively, “Where is Cassie?”
“She has gotten... into a crash... and,” Linda had said before she burst into tears.
“Is she alright? Is she hurt?” I began to ask in a desperate tone. The air seemed to close in on me as I began to hurry my way to the car.
“She did... not make it...” Linda sobbed out.
My heart seemed to have stopped, and tears rolled down my cheeks, I was stunned. I could not even think clearly.
“Neither her... or the baby... survived...” she cried out into the phone.
As I asked Linda what she meant by ‘baby’, I was looking down the road from the crest of the hill where my car was parked and saw the crash site. Just a kilometre away,
there was Cassie’s car, smashed into bits resting in the ditch. Heart breaking sobs burst from my being and I sank down to my knees in total devastation. Rain began to pour, joining the tears sliding down my face, as I screamed her name into the heavens.