A Lonely Robot


So I see you've returned, welcome my friends. I'm glad you decided to return. It's always great to get the message out, so please if you have any friends tell them about me. Hopefully though this I can get at least someone to accept a different person from them. For all you know they could be a human or a robot. Don't we all need the acceptance though?

Currently I'm getting up and ready for school. Because I'm a robot, all I really need to do is pull on clothes and brush my "hair". I pulled the clothes from my closet and slipped them onto my seemingly flesh outer shell. I grabbed the brush and gently stroked the cells attached to my metal scalp. Putting the item down I walked over getting my bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

I walked out of the house and down the street. I heard the constant buzz of the cars coming past. Each repeating over and over their job, "forward forward," or "turn left, light blink, blink, blink," or "stop, pause". The traffic lights changing constantly, also repeating their jobs. It got a little crowded and confusing sometimes with the constant chatter of both humans and their machines working around them. Now I don't get headaches, because I don't feel physical pain, but my "brain" often goes into over-drive and I have to leave for a few moments to regain myself.

I was silently approaching the school, and fast. I could begin to hear the other students speaking, they were rather loud. I could tell already this was going to be one of those days where I'm going to need a lot of breaks.

As I walked by the students seemed to either unconsciously or consciously back away from me. Sometimes it feels like I have a sign saying, "I'm different; fear me!" stuck somewhere on me. I strolled over to my usual spot leaning against the school. Right under the big words stating that this was "Helena High School". I stood here every day since I started. I actually scared away a pack of athletic and "tougher" people from this spot.

I sighed watching some new kids drift over and then back away quickly. They were scared of me too, obviously. Even the kids who stand out and are bullied stay away from me. I'm just about the only loner in the entire school, which is saying something. A couple kids proclaim that they have no friends, however you look and almost everyone knows them. Everyone knows my name, I'm gossiped about a lot, no one knows me though.

I quietly mused over things to myself while trying to ignore the chatter around me, of both man and machine. The bell rung and I quickly scurried to my class, as to not give the teacher another reason to fear me.

All the while a girl watched from the shadows studying this curious boy. She knew nothing of him, except for the rumors and the fact that everyone feared him. Well not everyone, she wasn't afraid, more curious. “It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears.”