Sequel: The Moonless Dark

How I Became A Werewolf Bodyguard

Can't Blush As A Wolf

"Since there were no outside scents on Henry, Yuron has suggested that someone here might of helped in his murder. Someone he was friends with, or worked with closely, or even someone he saw everyday so that they were able to mix their scent in with his and make it difficult to pick them out. Especially if we were looking for an outsider and not one of our own." Edgar reported to Vaunders.

I raised my head off my paws at this to look at the two vampires in the room.

Vaunders rubbed a hand over his mouth and chin, curving his fingertips to scratch lightly against his skin.

"Did you have a list of his friends and the people he was constantly in contact with?" He asked Edgar.

Edgar nodded and placed the folder he was holding onto Vaunders' desk. Vaunders opened it and peered down his nose at the names on the white paper. Carefully memorizing each one and how they could be related to this murder.

"Ikarn, Cernon, Tirsyn," Vaunders spoke names from the list, "Lersus, Renper, and Nikoli"

Thraxx's relaxed formed tensed noticeable as Vaunders uttered that last name. I looked at him. He saw me movement and met my eyes. My breathe hitched from his look and he looked away. My heart stopped. Alphas never look away first. Not in Wolf form or Human. And the look in his eyes. His bottle green eyes that sparkled forest deep were fiercely dark ad swirled like molten.

I applied the brakes on the nerves that were trying to race throughout my body. Didn't need the Vampires to smell my anxiety and make me the center of attention at this moment. Not when Thraxx was the cause of my uneasy.

"Those would be my first choices from this list," Vaunders continued, "They've caused trouble for themselves in the past."

Edgar nodded, "They stood out in my mind as well, though I still plan on questioning everyone on that list throughly later today."

"No," Vaunders said, "I'll question them myself. The Vampires have pledged themselves to me and I will be able to tell if one is lying to me." Vaunders looked down at Thraxx, who was still rigid beside his desk, "You'll be here when I question the Werewolves and inform me as to whether or not they are speaking the truth."

Wolves, more than one. Meaning I hadn't met the other wolves on the list which had me wondering which ones they were.

That molten look in Thraxx's eyes was tamped down, leaving them hooded as he met Vaunders eyes. Thraxx made no gesture as to confirm what Vaunders had assigned him to do, just held the Vampires gaze unflinchingly. Alpha against Master, Master against Alpha. Vaunders narrowed his eyes and Thraxx's hair rose to attention at the threat.

Edgar moved forward. One heavy step, drawing both attentions to him. He cleared his throat.

"My Lord, perhaps it would be better if both of you conducted separate questionings. That way no one would potentially overstep the other."

Vaunders narrowed stare reset it's sight on Edgar.

"We need to catch this murder, or even murders, before they kill again. To loose another man to dominance issues would be a terribly puerile." Edgar continued.

Vaunders kept his heated eyes on Edgar back leaned back into his chair and rocked back and forth.

"Fine." He spoke after a minute. "We'll try it your way first, Edgar, but if no acceptable results are made we will re-question them," His eyes flicked down at Thraxx again, "Together."

Thraxx stiffly nodded his head and Edgar's shoulders slumped a bit in palliation.

"You are relieved of your guard duties today, Thraxx, to go question your men. Edgar provide him with a copy of the names."

Thraxx met my look as he stood, motioning with his head for me to follow him. I climbed to my feet but hesitated. Vaunders had said Thraxx was relieved for today, not me. Edgar looked between Thraxx and I, then to Vaunders. I looked at Vaunders also as I took a step forward to see if he would object.

He did.

"Marlee stays here." He said simply.

Thraxx stilled. He turned his head over his shoulder slowly, like in horror movies. He saw that I hadn't really moved and turned around all the way. I looked between him and Vaunders. Thraxx motioned me to him again with his head. I shook mine.

He wasn't the one signing my checks. If Vaunders wanted me to stay, I'd stay. Thraxx grumble in his throat, not quite a growl. His power flooded over me, raising goosebumps along my skin, and he motioned to me again. I sat down. He wasn't my Alpha yet, I could still deny him. I just hoped he would realize this was about work not anything personal. I really hoped he wouldn't take it personally. Not after last night.

He took a threatening step towards me but Edgar moved into his path.

"Murderer, Thraxx. Go do your job and Marlee will do hers." Edgar stressed the word 'job'.

Thraxx's eyes took on a slightly guilty edge, peered past Edgar to me. He nudged his nose against the air and let out a small whine of apology.

I whined encouragingly back at him. I understood. He's male, he's Alpha and didn't like Vaunders undermining him. Nobody likes that.

I tilted my head to the side and gave him a coy look. His eyes brightened and his tail wagged in a languid manner.

Werewolf flirting.

Thraxx turned, ego no longer at stake and trotted out the door. I lifted my eyes to Edgar, who had watched Thraxx leave, he met my eyes and he did one of those male slow smiles that said he had watched the whole interaction between Thraxx and I and knew what it was.

I looked at the floor and was glad one couldn't blush in Werewolf form.

He chuckled as he closed the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This update is thanks to the wonder people who have commented and messaged me, and listened to me vent a little. They made this chapter happen.

And also, any suggestions on the whole murder thing would be great. I've never written a mystery before and am trying to boarden my wirting.