Sequel: The Moonless Dark

How I Became A Werewolf Bodyguard

For The Author

Now that this story is complete I'd like to ask you (that means everyone that's read this) to answer a few questions for me. truthful answers help me. I don't want answers like 'I hated it' or 'I loved it' you have to tell me why you feel that way so that I can make it better. thank you for taking the time to do this.

1.) Was the setting believeable?

2.) Were the character's believeable?

3.) Was the plot good and/or original?

4.) How was the flow of the story from one chapter to the next?

5.) Were there any parts you felt were rushed? or that you were confused on? If so, could you please state which parts? (by the way if you were confused I noticed some people skipped chapters so maybe you want to go back and make sure you read it all)

6.) How was the depth of the characters?

7.) Who was your favorite character?

8.) What was your favorite part?

9.) Did you have a favorite line from the story? If so, which one was it?

10.) Is there a character that you felt a bond with? If so, which character?

11.) If this story was revised, thoroughly edited, and published (one day) would you buy it?

12.) If this story was published and you did buy it, would you tell your friends about it?

13.) Anything else you need to ask me/think I should know to improve my story?
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Thank you all again!