Sequel: Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Once upon a time... There was a story of a girl.

This time...

A little girl named Jane stands in the window frame. Watching, Watching, Watching...

In the eyes of society she was the perfect child. A girl to be seen not heard, One who knew that she was not to trouble Papa when he was working, to leave Mama be while she was embroidering the pillowslips.

She never caused trouble to the maids. Her pretty dresses always remained clean, and she never lost her ribbons in the mud like that Smithson girl, and she was not one to ask anyone for anything.

She never caused trouble to the governess. Her knowledge of math, science and literature far excelled her years, but she kept this to herself, as to not disturb the lesson plans laid out at the beginning of her tutoring.

She was an exceptional child. A child with love and grace, and an almost unbelievable beauty for one so young. She was overlooked. It wasn't their job to care for her.

One day Jane sat on the side of the river bank, amusing herself with boats made of leaves and twigs. Jane had no friends. Jane was strange, different. The children of the town did not want to associate with the strange girl who lived in the big house on the roof.

Jane's little teddy was all she had, he was worn and his stuffing had been shifted from her insistence on holding him by his leg, but she loved him, and he was the closest thing too affection in her world.

There rang out a large splashing noise. Teddy had fallen into the swirling river. Jane's eyes were wild and her actions illogical, though permanent, and she would not wish them different.
The little girl's white embroidered dress was soon soaked with chilly water, and her little red hair ribbons floated on it's surface. Her lips were blue and purple as she struggled valiantly against the tides. Her Teddy, her constant and abiding Teddy, was swept further and further away.

In a sudden burst of strength a pale hand stretched out to Teddy, and white, delicate fingers wrapped around the stuffed toy's ankle. Jane was sated, she had all she needed.

She clutched Teddy to her chest and sank beneath the surging waves, a small smile playing on her lips. Jane was happy at last.

Her mother, standing at the end of the stream, saw a little red ribbon float past her. "That Smithson girl." She sighed, and shook her head.

It was three days before anyone noticed she was gone.

So now she's waiting by that window. For someone. Anyone. Just to be noticed.

She's happy to be waiting, Teddy, her true companion, is waiting with her. She is happier waiting, then ever before.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like, I wrote this because I was always fascinated by the whole idea of Jane Doe.
Who is Jane Doe?
She is.

Pay your respects?
XO Belle