Whats Under the Bed?


"Ok Bianca, so you’re sure that nothing out of the ordinary has happened lately? No bad dreams, nothing at all?" Doctor Henson asked the same question that she’s asked me to end our session for the past 9 years.

"Nope," I said popping the, p”, nothing, nada, zip, everything is exactly the same as usual," I said lying though my teeth. Well I wasn't really lying, everything is still the same. I'm still the same seventeen year old freak I've always been. Still seeing things that other people cant; still going to a shrink by the demands of my grandmother. . . Yep same old, same old, but I intend to change that last part.

"So ... I ... Um ... Doc.-,” I stuttered only to be interrupted.

"Please Bianca, after 9 years I'm sure you know by now that we are NOT on formal terms."
Well pardon me! Whatever, I’m used to harsh comments since I get them every day from my grandmother.

"Uh...yeah, okay, whatever, so Doc.," I went on completely ignoring her sigh "I've been thinking that we've been seeing too much of each other and I was wondering if we could take a tinny weenie small break?"

Before I was even finished I could see her shaking her head , “ I don't know,'' she said ” we’d have to ask your grandmother-"

I cut her off "You know what that’s okay, just forget it." I said hurriedly. And no not because I'm afraid to ask my grandmother, though . . . just between you and me. . . Just the thought of it scared me half to death. No it was because of the man who just walked through the door with a strange orange glow around him. Vampire.

''Oh, don't let me interrupt you please carry on as if I weren't here" he said in an extremely alluring English accent.

''Yeah, so like I said just forget it, I'm sure you would much rather attend to your guest." I said gesturing toward the vampire.

To my surprise he just grinned”Oh, she can’t see me, only you can."

Well crap, I thought, why couldn't he have said that before I introduced him and probably blew my cover?

Doctor Hennison who had turned to where I had gestured now turned back to me with a perplexed expression. And then understanding seemed to dawn on her face. She quickly picked up her clip board and pen and started writing furiously.

''Seeing things again?" she asked not looking up from her notes.

Yep cover totally blown.

"Uh . . . no?" I asked still staring at the vampire whose grin just grew wider, and I found myself wishing that I could get up a smack it off.

Turns out I didn't have to. His smirk quickly vanished as he seemed to sniff the air. Then he spoke” tell her you have to leave" he ordered.

I just looked at him like he was crazy, not caring if the good doctor saw me. But once the vampire saw this it just seemed to aggravate him more than he already was.

"If you want to live you'll do as I say” he all but growled at me.

So of course I did the only thing that I could do in this particular predicament. "Yeah so doc, my times up so I'll be seeing you."

"Hmmm," she said still not looking up from her writing. So I got my things and then I hightailed it out of there.

As soon as we got outside of Doctor Hennison's office the mysterious vampire grabbed my elbow and started pulling me in the direction of the mall never relaxing his tense posture or his excessive looking around.

Finally, when we were in front of the mall, we started to slow down, but even then we were moving pretty fast.

Then, I just couldn't take it anymore.” Where are you taking me?" I asked in a whisper trying not to look weirder than I knew that I already did and failing miserably.

"Don't ask questions; just walk” he replied.

I was seriously getting tiered of this whole ordering me around thing, and I had just opened my mouth to tell him that when I heard what sounded like a female gasp.

I turned around to see Katie Miller standing behind me wearing her cheerleading outfit. I soon realized that she wasn't looking to me but to the vampire still facing the other way looking around not seeming to notice that we had stopped.

But wait a minute hold up didn't he tell me that no one besides me could see him? I think he did.

I nudged him with my elbow and he finally turned around.

"Where did you come from?" Katie asked him.

Then she got a good look at his face and her eyes got as big as saucers.

"Better yet, who are you, and what are you doing with her?” she asked snarling in my direction.

Both of these were good questions and I wanted to know the answer to both, but I figured that if he wouldn't answer me there was no way in hell that he would answer her, but to my surprise he did answer her, just not the way either of us expected.

He smiled angelically to her and said,” I’m a vampire".

Then he pulled a wide eyed me over to a far wall and said something very much unexpected.

"Kiss me" he ordered

"No way in HELL!" was going to be my response, but I never got it all out because he crushed his lips to mine probably knowing that that was what I would have said.

But can you believe it?! I'm kissing a VAMPIRE!?!?
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okay you know the drill leave comments and love and all that other good stuff. please and thankyou