Whats Under the Bed?


We’re off to see the wizard

“Well I don’t. At least not tonight. Tonight all we need to do is sleep. I think we’ve talked enough for today.” I got up and put my plate into the sink then started toward the basement.

“Bianca . . .”

“We’ll have plenty of time to talk in the tomorrow after we’ve rested, and besides I honestly doubt that you know anymore than you’ve already told me, and even if you did I really don’t think that my mind could take any more information right now. Tomorrow if there’s anything I need to know I’m sure the King and Queen will fill me in. If they miss anything and you do know about it I trust you to tell me.”

I watched him struggle to clamp down on the argument that I could see coming up.

“Bianca . . .,” he said again, “Thank you.”

I smiled softly “Don’t worry about it. Just get some rest; we want to look presentable tomorrow don’t we?”

He smiled with me. “Yes we do.”

I nodded and sighed then made my way down the stairs.

“Goodnight Hunter.”

His whispered goodnight followed me down the stairs and tucked me in as I fell into the bed fully clothed into a dreamless sleep.

Hunter’s P.O.V

There’s something about her, I see that now.

It’s easy to tell that she’s a bit of a trouble maker, stubborn, and very hardheaded. In the few hours that I’ve been in contact with her these things have become painfully apparent. But she as a sweet side too. I heard her thinking about how tiered I looked and I know that she had more questions, enough that we would be up all night.

When she agreed to come with me I expected her to be the way that she normally is. Of course being abused does change a person and I guess she was hiding. This means, I hope, that she feels safe here. From her thoughts I’ve sensed a little bit of comfort with us already though she does not fully trust us. I hope that will change. Though I fear that she will not be here long enough to find that we are trustworthy people.

Grandmother’s P.O.V

That little brat.

After everything I’ve done for her she just up and leaves. To be with that bastard and his master.

She knows nothing of what’s going on right now, nothing about the war that’s about to happen. And yet she feels the need to just throw herself into things and on the wrong side at that. She will pay, she will pay for this. I’ll make sure of it.

Dr. Henson’s P.O.V

I told her.

I told her that her daughter would be our ruin, but she wouldn’t listen, then she was still so naive. And I was so stupid. I should have killed the girl when I had the chance. And now, even though she is dead her daughter is here to screw up my plans.
I need to kill something, Giavonie can wait

Bianca’s P.O.V


My eyes snapped open and I sat up so quickly that my head spun.

“Whoa, calm down.” Hunter

“What’s wrong?” I asked franticly even though I was still slightly dizzy.

“Nothing is wrong,” he said slowly as if I were a child and needed things to be explained to bit by bit, “It’s morning and I thought that you might want to get cleaned up and eat before we have to leave.”

I blinked and stared at him. That all just seemed so normal. It seemed like it had no place in this chaos, even if it was a hushed chaos.

“Uh, yeah, I should go take a shower.” I said trying to get my mind to wake up. Hunter watched me as I slid off the bed and into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it trying to catch my bearings. For a minute I forgot where I was even though I had just seen Hunter. It almost seemed like he had already become something
I’m used to, something I expect to be there every day.

I shook myself as if to forcibly shake the thoughts from my head and walked to my wonderful tub. I turned on the hot water then stripped and got in. I stayed in until the warm water turned cold.

* * *

“Don’t you have a home you can go to?” I heard someone say as I came up the stairs. I stopped startled thinking that the person was talking to me but realized that they couldn’t have been. Nobody even knew that I was there.

A throaty chuckle was the answer to the question. I couldn’t tell if the question was meant playfully or as a real jab. Then came a smack and a yelp.

“You know, maybe you should refer to your etiquette books on how to treat a guest.” Said an unfamiliar voice.

“Maybe you should, that way you would know that it’s rude to just show up unexpectedly to someone else’s house and then try to eat their food!”

By this time I was in the kitchen and realized that the whole family was sitting around eating and that Reagan was the one who was arguing with this unknown person.
I watched as Katie speared a pancake from the stack in the middle of the dining room table. She drenched it with butter and maple syrup and then bit in proceeded to eat it calmly watching her sister argue.

“You can eat?” the entire room got quiet and all eyes turned to me it took me a second to realize that I had spoken those words aloud rather than in my head. Their reactions varied upon seeing me from curiosity from the stranger to surprise from Reagan and a scowl from Ashley.

“Bianca!” Katie screamed breaking the silence, and ran toward me hugging my legs when she got there.

“Morning Bianca” Reagan said smiling

“Who’re you?” asked the stranger. Only now did I really look at him. He wasn’t too tall, maybe average height for a guy. He was far from scrawny but he wasn’t overly buff either. He was very handsome, with chin length curly hair and dark brown eyes, and he had no piercings or tattoos that I could see.

Reagan smacked him upside the head with a wooden spoon. “No manners” I heard her mutter.

I raised my chin a bit. “Who’re you?”

He smiled rubbing the spot where he had been hit. “I’m Jackson.”


“Nice to meet you.” He said with a pointed glance at Reagan who just rolled her eyes.

“Oh and yeah they eat.”

“What?” I asked blankly

“You asked if they eat, they do. They have to in order to stay alive just like you and me.”

I just blinked. “Okay, thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Bianca, you should eat. We’ll be leaving in a little while.”

I nodded and sat at in the empty chair beside Katie and started piling the pancakes on my plate. I ate quickly while watching Reagan and Jackson argue playfully on his part. He kept a smile on his face and even laughed a few times even though all Reagan was basically doing was insulting him.

I had just finished breakfast when Hunter announced that it was time for us to go. Hunter, Reagan, Jackson, and I all piled into a different car than the one hunter had brought me here in. the whole time Jackson sang “We’re off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz . . .,” that is until Reagan reached back and smacked him. Then I just listened to more bickering from the two of them. Occasionally Hunter would shake his head but that was the only comment he made.

I myself thought that the things they said were pretty funny and had a hard time keeping a straight face.

We were driving for a while and finally I forced myself to go to sleep, because while listening to Reagan and Jackson did provide some entertainment it did not, however, keep me from being insanely bored.


Once again I awoke to Hunter shaking me and calling my name.

“What?” I asked grumpily. I’m not that nice of a person right after sleep. Especially when someone wakes me up.

“We’re here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm posting in the middle of the day because I have no school due to flooding. Wonderful right?

A few things before i let you go. I have decided to delete one of my stories. Or at least put one on hiatus for right not. The story i get rid of will probably be posted again after I've made some more headway in my other stories. I have an idea about which one i want to delete but your opinion matters. So i want you guys to tell me which story you guys like the least and I'll probably do a majority vote sort of thing.

I want to thank any and every one who has commented on this story on the comment page or any where else. You should all give yourslef a pat on the back because you guys are what makes me want to update. The more feedback I get the more I update and the faster I update, unless something happens and I just can't update. You can hate me for it but, there it is.

So as usual, comment comment comment!
