Whats Under the Bed?


“What the hell was that? They didn’t even come out to see me! What was the point of me even coming here, of you being sent out to get me and threatening me, if they won’t even take the time to come out and talk to me when they called me out here in the first place!” I screeched

Hunter held his hands up in a defensive gesture. “Bianca please calm down.”

What is it about those words that make people do the exact opposite? “Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! Are you freaking kidding me?!” I stared at Hunter incredulously.

Hunter and I had sat and waited for two frickin hours before some guy came out and said that the King and Queen could not see use due to “prior engagements”. At this moment we were all outside around the car. Jackson and Regan looked on as Hunter tried to calm me down.

“Bianca I understand that you’re frustrated-“

“Do you? Do you really?” I asked sarcastically cutting him off.

“- But these things happen.” He continued as if I hadn’t spoken.

“THESE THINGS HAPPEN?! Are you kidding me?! In the past few days I have been kidnapped, taken to a different dimension, feared for my life because you’re sister and your girlfriends hate me, and been jilted by the King and Queen of vampires, but no I shouldn’t be freaking out cause “these things happen””

“You kidnapped her?” Regan asked

“Not really, no-“

“Yes really! You kissed me, and then you kidnapped me, and you know I think you’ve put my life in danger more than my grandmother ever has. Sure she’s hit me with pots and pans and burned me with cigarettes but you, you took me to a shady vampire bar and left me by myself and then you left your sister and your girlfriend loose to terrorize innocent humans, namely me.”

“You kissed her?” Jackson asked

“Well yes, but-“

“But what? You kissed me! With tongue! You want to explain why you did that?”

Hunter heaved a giant sigh “We’ve already been over this. There were creatures-“

“Yeah, yeah” I said waving my hand at him and pacing in front of them.

“Look, as amusing as this is people are starting to stare at us. So maybe we could take this some place else?” Jackson said looking around nervously.

“Why do you always get so testy whenever we come around here?” Regan asked him.

Jackson rolled his eyes. “ Oh I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with fact that if these people feel like I’m getting too close to the building they’ll try to kill me.”

I stopped my pacing and stared at them. “What?”

Hunter sighed “Jackson is not a vampire therefore he is not allowed in this building without express permission. If he were to enter without them permission of the King or Queen he would be killed.”

“It’s not just me,” Jackson said “No other species is allowed to enter without permission, and it’s the same everywhere. These places are like our ‘white house’. Only no one’s allowed to go in except for the people it’s run by without permission.”

I looked at the people around us and noticed that they were giving Jackson and I strange looks. I shuddered and hopped in the car and locked my door. Hunter rolled his eyes and started toward the car.


“We’re back” Hunter called when we got back to his home. These people sure liked announcing their presence.

“And so am I.”

“Jade. What’re you doing here?” Hunter asked.

Jade took a break from glaring at me to turn to Hunter.

“You and I are seeing each other are we not?” she asked. The tone of her voice just screamed back off, I’m pissed. Regan and Jackson pushed past the happy couple, but when I started to follow them Jade stopped me.

“Human. I’d like to have a conversation with you.”

Well crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but important.
