Whats Under the Bed?


Now is it just me, or is this just a tad bit strange to anyone else? I mean one second I’m just going on minding my own business, and the next I’m being crushed up against a wall with a vampire kissing me!

Oh, and trust me I tried to get away, really I did but he was just so strong. And then he was in my head saying:

"If you want to live you had better quit struggling and make this believable."

So I stopped struggling, but I didn't kiss him back, I didn't move, HELL, I didn't breath!

“Do you honestly think that this is convincing? C'mon love you can do better than that" He said in that extremely sexy accent that just about made me melt.

No bad Bianca, nothing about this dangerous VAMPIRE is sexy! I scolded myself, you know except for …..Everything!

So with that I kissed him back, and I am sad to say that it was a really good kiss. At least he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Ata girl," he said and even in my head I could hear the smile in his voice.

Finally I realized three things, the first was that we were moving; the second was that I couldn't fell the wall any more, and the third was that I couldn't breath.

He seemed to recognize this at the same time that I did sense he pushed me away and to my surprise I fell on a bed.

"Stay here” he ordered” I’ll be right back" and with that he left me with great speed

"Like hell I will" I muttered to myself, and got up and went to the window across the room. I looked out and determined that if I jumped then the worst that would happen would be that I sprained an ankle, but that was it.

As I was lifting up the window I heard a voice from behind me saying," I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said in a disapproving voice.

I turned around to let him have it but he wasn't there.

“Dude, where did you go?” I asked my head swiveling around looking for him and coming up with nothing. I would have thought that he had just left if not for me being able to hear him laughing. That’s the part that sucked though I could hear him I just couldn’t see him, which was good for him because if I could see him I would have kicked him where the sun don’t shine if you catch my drift.

I was really getting fed up with this when all of a sudden I felt hands on my waist,” calm down Bianca your going to give yourself an ulcer” he said laughing still. I tried to turn around so that I could punch him in the face but he held me fast.

“If you really want to leave to go back to that Bitch of a grandmother then that’s fine with me” he said nonchalantly as I felt him shrug around me.

“That’s fine. . . But it’s much easier this way" he whispered in my ear, and then I was flying.

I always thought that flying would be a fun experience and that I would love it and probably scream just as If I was a roller coaster.

It wasn’t and I didn’t.

Then we stopped in front of a house that I recognized as my own, as his hands left my waist," breath Bianca" he said as he softly chuckled.

So that’s what I did, I dragged in a deep breath as my memory came rushing back to me, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming, so instead I tried to speak.

‘‘What.... you.....I.....that was......whoa," I stammered still feeling a little tipsy. But then the feeling left and I was attacking him

“Don’t (kick) you ever (hit to the head) do that again (combination)”

“What- Hey! Stop! OW! Ouch!” he sputtered trying to duck away from me

Letting out a deep breath I straitened my clothes out and rolled my shoulders

” that’s better” I said sighing.

“Well that’s great” he said rubbing his head, pouting” have you ever considered anger management classes” He grumbled

“You think that will help?” I asked seriously

“We can only hope” he said smiling slightly

“Hmmm . . . “I said to my self nodding slightly making him laugh

“Bye Bianca, see you later" he said still laughing quietly, and then he was gone leaving me standing there with my mouth open like an idiot. So I turned around and walked into the house not knowing that something even worse was waiting for me, by the name of: Grandmother
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter two. oh in case you haven't noticed i deleted this story and now Im putting it back up all in the same day! Aren't you proud of me? Show it by commenting!