Whats Under the Bed?


“Get out” I said trying to keep my anger in check

“What?” he asked suddenly confused

“I said, GET THE HELL OUT” I yelled the latter trying to emphasize my point by throwing my arm at the door

“Well” he started scrunching up his eyebrows and sitting up from where he was laying on my bed” technically you didn’t say ‘get the hell out’ you just said ’get out’” he said nodding as if what he had just said made any difference making me stand there gaping at him, then . . .


“Well it kind of does because you see . . . . “And then I wasn’t listening to him any more, even though he kept right on talking. I was just mad so I ran over to the closet and grabbed the baseball bat there and positioned it over my head to get the best hit and he still didn’t notice which is why I yelled “HEY” making him look up and see the bat which made his eyes widen

“Okay look just leave and no one has to get hurt” I said kind of nervously smiling a little at the end and then he did something that made my mouth pop open and my blood boil even more than it already was.

He laughed. That’s right he laughed in my face. And not just a giggle or a chuckle oh no I’m talking a full out belly laugh like something was actually funny which by the way it was not! I think that that’s what made me try to hit him, just to show that I had the balls to do it, but in the middle of me swinging the bat froze and that’s because he had his hand wrapped around it.

“Wow . . . . I didn’t really think that you would try that” he said in a some what thoughtful tone and then he shrugged and wrenched the bat from my hands throwing it across the room so that it landed just outside my closet. He did all this so fast that it took my breath away.

We stood there for a minute just looking at each other, my mouth hanging open, him looking totally at ease, like he broke into my bedroom and had me threatening him with a baseball bat every day, like it was part of some twisted routine that we did all the time. But then I came to my senses and that calm time where we just sat there was shattered because I started attacking him.

Well trying to any way but as soon as I launched myself at him he was up and had me thrown over his shoulder like I was some kind of rag doll. So I made due with hitting his back and yelling

“Put me down you son of a bitch!”

“I beg your pardon; you don’t even know my mother so how can you talk about her like that?” he said in a faux offended tone

“Because she gave birth to you” I yelled back in response beating his back with my fists, which I have to tell you it must have hurt seeing as how I am schooled in the delicate art of street fighting, the fact that I was 5,11 only made me more lethal, but despite all this he didn’t seemed to be fazed one bit.

“Put me down!” I screamed once again then I realized that we were moving, that we had been for a while. I raised my head to look through my naturally black hair, but it was so thick that I couldn’t see any thing through it so I slowly moved my eyes down its long length seeing the unnatural red tips, remembering when I did that and how it upset grandmother which is why I had that uneven scar on the back of my neck, all the way down to the ground to see the pavement, which is when I started to get nervous

“Whe- where are you taking me?” I asked in a small voice scared that I was going to be his dinner

“Oh please Bianca I’m not going to eat you” he said in an exasperated tone reading my mind

“Then where are you taking me?” I asked my voice a little stronger but not to much in case he was lying to me

“I’m not lying” he said sighing angrily ” we’re just going to go get some dinner- I MEAN, food as in hamburgers “ he quickly revised what he was saying when he felt me tense up.

“I can’t go out to eat looking like this!” I stated angrily forgetting about my fear
I could almost hear his eyes rolling

“Where were going you could walk in naked and they were probably wouldn’t care”

“I care” I said

“Tough luck” was his reply

“Why can’t you just put me down and let me walk there with you then huh?”

“Because I rather enjoy being able to look at your arse” he said a smile apparent in his
voice while he smacked my ass

“Pervert” I said snidely

“Yes but you enjoy every minute of it don’t you?”
“NO!” I said and if I had access to my arms they would be crossed right now

“Come on love it’s just you and me you can tell me”

“Where the hell are you taking me?” I asked changing the subject

“Are you seriously back on that?”

“Where” I asked my voice rising slightly

“Here” he sighed putting me down in front of some diner like place which made my eyes widen and my mouth fall open, because the diner we were at was filled with magical creatures most of which could smell my blood and didn’t even bother to try and hide that they wanted it

“I’ll be right back” he said cheerily and then before I could turn all the way around he was gone, and that was when all that street fight just flew from my head in a whoosh so loud I was surprised that they couldn’t hear it, and that was when one of the vampires took one menacing step forward

Is it time for the running and the screaming yet?
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Bet you didn't think that I would add a new chapter huh? Well you were so wrong! Its kinda short but oh well