Whats Under the Bed?


I turned slowly though I knew he wasn’t there. Once my fears were confirmed I turned back around to see the vampire that had taken a step toward me grinning his fangs not yet completely elongated. Well that right there made me whimper pathetically. I mean come on are you honestly going to tell me that you wouldn’t have done anything that you would have just stood there put your hands on your hips and not made a sound just looked at them like ‘what’ ? I didn’t think so; your name is not ‘Buffy the vampire slayer’.

Anyway, Mr. evil vampire dude took another step forward. “Now what is a pure human like you doing in a place like this?” he asked in one of those deep voices you know the kind of voice the people who hang out in the alleys waiting for a defenseless girl like me to just come wandering in and help them get off by putting up a fight and screaming. Hope that didn’t put too bad of a picture in your head. I’d hate to scare you away before I even get out of this dump . . . that is. . . . If I get out of this dump.

I’ve decided that I’m going to play it cool not give away anything that I don’t need to.

“What do you mean by human? Are you trying to tell me that your not human? Right, well, in that case I’m the Easter bunny.” I said trying to act like I had no idea that that they weren’t human. With that being said he just kind of paused and looked at me and then a slow smile started creeping its way on to his face and I could tell that he had believed my lie.

“Of course I’m human I just kind of forget sometimes you know?” he asked trying to cover his tracks

“Of course I do, I know exactly what you mean” I said and this time it wasn’t a lie. I don’t feel human I just feel like I’m something. Not human but not any thing like these guys, other I guess, which is a very lonely place to be. Not that I’m not used to it, being alone I mean.

“Say why don’t I buy you a drink?” he asked me turning slightly toward the bar. By now most everybody had turned back to what they were doing before though some still stared while others kept shooting glances at me. That’s when it really hit me the feeling if danger. I mean sure the other vampire had promised not to eat me but he didn’t say that he would protect me or anything right? And he had just left me here with a bunch of hungry looking creatures.

“Oh no thanks, I actually think I should be leaving now though it was nice to meet you” I said and started to turn to walk away before he reached out grabbed my arm. I tried to yank it back but he had a firm grip on it.

“Please let go.” I begged pathetically

Instead of answering me he just leading in and smelled me.

“You smell so pure, untainted” he murmured fully elongating his fangs

“What?! I’m not pure?! I’ve had sex lots of times?!” I said frantically which is true but with only one guy. He chuckled and got closer to me. I closed my eyes and waited for his fangs to pierce my skin but as soon as his lips touched me I felt him moving away for me and then there was a loud crash. My eyes flew open to see him against the far wall groaning. The other vampire standing beside me his hand outstretched toward him making it obvious that he had thrown the other one.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he said in a soft voice so different from how I had heard it earlier his accent making it sound even more dangerous somehow.

“Come on” he ordered grabbing my arm and walking out. After we had walked to the park near my house in silence giving me time to think about why I trusted him so much I noticed that he had a brown paper sack in one of his hands.

“What’s with the sack?” I asked hesitantly

“Oh, I forgot all about it. Here.” He said handing it to me. Inside were a pair of jeans and some converse. I stopped walking and he stopped with me and I put on the jeans over my shorts and slipped on the shoes. Now I felt a lot more comfortable. Once I had every thing on I chucked the empty sack into a nearby garbage can. Then followed the vampire as he continued to walk.

“Where are we going?” I asked once again breaking the silence that had settled over us “Do you even know?”

“Yes, were going to go get some thing to eat.”

“Okay, well, can you at least tell me your name? Cause I can’t keep referring to you as ‘the vampire’ in my head?”

That caused him to laugh”Hunter” he said “My name is Hunter”

“So what do you want with me Hunter?” I asked liking the sound of his name

He looked over at me with worried eyes”The truth?” he asked

I scoffed “It would be nice”

Hesitantly he said “I was sent here to kidnap you”

Well that changes everything.
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Sorry its out so late. I've been having problems with the computer and am rushing now to get this out. Yes its short but the next one will be longer. I've also got another story out that you people may like but if you don't then you don't. Its called Amnesia. I'm not sure how to do a hyperlink so just go to my stories for now. Thanx!