Whats Under the Bed?


With a jolt I came to a dead halt surprised by the words that he had just spoken. Because he was still looking at me he saw when I stopped and stopped with me, watching me warily while I watched him incredulously still in shock.

Then his eyes got big and he started shaking his head at me” Don’t Bianca.” Was all he had time to get out before I was off down the street running as fast as I could. I hadn’t even really thought about it but I guess the thought was strong enough that he caught onto it.

I could hear the sound of his feet hitting the pavement behind me gaining speed without even really trying. I think that’s one thing that really bugs me about vampires they don’t have to actually try to do anything. They don’t go through the stuff that we humans have to face everyday and yet still think that their problems are so much worse than ours are. I hope he’s listening in on my thoughts now so that he knew exactly how much I hate it when they walk around like their royalty and were just there to serve them. Humph.

I heard him snort so I assume that he heard me. Good, he should know how I feel about his kind. I took a turn trying to get at least a little bit more space between us, but then I saw where I was and didn’t like it. As soon as I realized where we were he had me pinned to the gross ally wall between two apartment complexes.

I could hear the hum of an air conditioner and the drip of the water falling from it. There was a couple in one of apartments arguing loudly, and then the sound of glass shattering. There was this disgusting smell of rotten trash coming from the dumpster near by, fly’s hovered around our heads.

Hunter pressed himself against my back in an extremely uncomfortable position.”Now listen to me” he spit out “I am not here to eat you nor am I here to make you my slave. I am here to protect you, and to do that we have to get away from here. I realize that ‘kidnap’ may not have been the correct choice of word and I am sorry, but I need you to quite struggling and being so difficult!”

There was a beat of silence and then I laughed as best as I could what with being ground into the wall and all. I could tell that he was confused though he was trying not to show it.

“Of course your are. I can totally see how I’m supposed to trust you. I mean you only took me against my will from my house, took me to some bar where you left me which almost got me killed,then told me that you were here to kidnap me, and then when I ran you chased me down and smashed me face into the ally wall. Yeah I can totally see where your coming from with this.” Then I let out another grating laugh and said “ Well if this is what you vampires call protection then I don’t want it. Do you honestly think that I’m that stupid to believe such an obvious lie?” I spat out. This guy was really starting to piss me off” I have known you for all of one hour two tops and you expect me to just take your word on things and let you whisk me away to whatever place that you think is safe? Oh that’s rich. Especially since the word safe doesn’t actually apply to you”

There was another beat of silence while he waited for me to go on but I was through with my rant. He waited one more second just to be sure and then he busted out laughing. He took a step back but clamped his hand around my wrist to keep me from running away again. It took him a minute to regain his composure and even then he sat there grinning like the big idiot I could tell he was.

“First” he started but because of his accent it came out sounding like fust” I only took you to that bar because a friend of mine works there and lives in the apartment above it. You both look like you might be the same size so I asked her to get some clothes for you to wear, which by the way you should be grateful for. Second I had not thought about the trouble it would have caused to bring a human there you or them and I am terribly sorry that that one bloke tried to take you. It will not happen again. Third it was your fault that your were on the wall, you shouldn’t have run. FOURTHLY” said raising his voice when he said fourthly because he could see that I was about to argue “I am not going to drink from you and I’m not going to take you to my home and lock you up in the highest tower, so please stop suggesting it because if you do I fear that I might scream. And fifthly “he turned to stare at me now his grin gone; his voice serious, eyes grave “you must trust me. I am the only one that you can trust. I wish that there was some way you could see the truth. Maybe if you could see into my mind like I do yours maybe that would convince you, maybe not. But that is neither here nor there at the moment. Right now I’m more concerned with keeping you alive, and I will do that whether you want me to or not!” we stared at each other for a minute him kind of glaring and then he started dragging me toward the way we were going when he was chasing me.

I would have said something if I wasn’t frozen. I as I let him drag me I came up with a plan to ambush him with questions, questions which better be answered if he knew what was good for him, when we got to the place that we were supposed to be going. I know he must have heard me in my head but I don’t care. Speaking of which where were we going ?

“Where are we going?” I asked

“To get something to eat” he said in a clipped voice

We didn’t say anything else until we got there and I realized where we were. We were at a hamburger joint called The Spot. There was a elegant sign with the name on it. One whole left wall was glass but tinted so as not to let the sun glare in. It was a few blokes away from my school which is probably way it was the most popular hangout spot for all those popular kids.

Upon noticing this I started struggling with Hunter. I was not going in there. I dug my heels into the ground and pulled against his hold. I started turning my wrist this way and that to get loose. It was then that he even noticed that I was trying to get free from him. With a sigh he turned and stared at me.

“What now?” he asked in an annoyed tone

“I’m not going in there” I spat through me teeth trying to pry his fingers from around my wrist

“Why not?” he asked confused

“Because I don’t want to be anywhere near them” I said venomously

“Who?” he asked and then instead of waiting for my answer I felt him in me head pushing to see what was wrong. When he found it he sighed shaking his head and said” they’re not even here”

That caused me to come up short. I hadn’t thought to check and see if they were there I just assumed, man I feel like an idiot now.

“You looked like one a minute ago” Hunter said and resumed dragging me into the restaurant

“Hey!” I said and reached up with my free hand to smack him before I stopped myself. I was becoming to comfortable with him just because he had told me off. I have to remind myself to stay cautious. From his sigh I knew that he had heard me.

The inside looked nothing like the outside. In the inside the lights were low but still high enough to where you didn’t think you were at some fancy restaurant. I followed him to a booth in the back on the left side, and with a shock I realized it was my used to be regular booth. Back before this place was taken over by the Others I used to come here all the time.

He slid in on one side of the table allowing me to take the one nearest the wall which was my favorite spot.

The lighting was bad over hear and it was warmer than the rest of the restaurant. In this corner you could almost imagine that you were in a fancy restaurant. It was now the date seat. If you were on a date and hoped to get lucky you’d come and sit here except you’d sit side by side so that it was easier to kiss. Apparently since the temperature and light were slightly off it set the mood. For me it only set the mood for me to listen to my CD player and read.

Sitting here now reminded me of all those times I’d refused to go home on time so I, because then I still had a little fire left in me. I used to be one of those girls that you didn’t mess with. And it wasn’t because I just wanted to prove myself to anyone because I could care less, even now. But I was that person because I was mad. Mad at everything and nothing at all. I was also hurting. Now I’m just numb.

I used to rebel against my grandmother because it just felt like the right thing to do. I used to tell myself that I was Bianca Lewis and I could not and would not be broken. I was so wrong. She broke me all right, and then she picked up the pieces and hid them so that I couldn’t put myself together again. You see me and Humpty Dumpty were one and the same. All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again. I don’t know when it happened exactly I just know that it did.

Looking out the tented window reminiscing I realized how different I am now. Now I rushed home to get there on time. I’ve totally lost myself.

“Bianca” came Hunter’s voice only soft and quiet. I turned to him and our eyes met and in that second I knew that he had heard everything and that he felt sorry for me. Which only made it ten times worse; I don’t need any one pitying me. I’m a big girl. Hunter cleared his throat and gestured to the end of our table. A girl around my age stood there looking bored and popping her gum rather loudly. I cleared my throat to and ordered a bacon burger large fry and a sprite. No mustard, no ketchup, no pickles, no lettuce and tomato, add mayo and cheese. When the girl left we lapsed back into silence. When she brought our food we started digging in as if we were starved. Which with all that excitement we should have been.

After about five bites of my burger and a handful of fries I was the one to break the silence.

“So I think you better start explaining something before I go completely crazy”

That earned me a smile from the face the devil.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I am extremly mad at myself because I know this should have been out sooner. I got off grounding a little over a week ago and didn't post this because I was being to lazy to drag my butt to the computer and write. Im very sorry and it won't happen again.

Alright so about Amnesia. I lost all of chapter two. I had just finished it and was about to save it when my block experinsed a black out wiping out my story. But never fear it is going to be typed right after I post this.

If you haven't read it yet then go to my profile and read up.

comments please or messages just something to let me know how im doing
