Whats Under the Bed?


“So,” he started once we were half way through with our food “, what do you want to know?”

I sifted through all the questions that were rolling around in my head, all of them needing to be answered just some were slightly more important than others

“Why are you here?” was the question that I finally settled on.

“Ah, you get right to the point don’t you?” he asked while sitting back against his seat and crossing his arms across his chest, eyes on me.
I stayed, as I was, food forgotten, leaning on the table waiting for his answer, and wait I did. A full minute went by before I lost my patience.

“Are you going to answer me or what,” I asked with an attitude.
He flashed me a quick smile and then gave me a simple answer:

“The King sent me for you”

Though I can see magical creatures when they’re in hiding I really know nothing about them. I’ve heard of King Orion, Queen Aria, and Prince Gabrielle in passing, but some of the things that have been said about the King let me know to be wary. The royal family was not the kind of people that you wanted to be looking for you. Someone once said that they didn’t have an ounce of royal blood in them. Apparently the King and Queen had snuck up on the old royals and staked them in their sleep.

I blinked and then frowned.

“Why does the King want me?” I asked a touch of hysteria in my voice.

“Ah, now that I can’t tell you just yet, but soon I promise”
In response to his words I sighed deflated.

“But I can answer something else” he said trying to cheer me up.

“Okay, who are you?”

“I am Hunter Nile, as you already know. I’m 19 and I am the King’s guard and messenger.”

“Why did we have to kiss earlier and why were you in such a rush to get out of Dr. Hennison’s office?”

That seemed to be the question that he was waiting for.

“There are lots of different types of pheromones. Some creatures, like dogs, can smell them. The demons closing in on us could. They were using the pheromones that our bodies naturally give as a sort of GPS system. If they had of found us they would have killed not only us, but anything else they could get their hands on.”

“Wait, so they could be back there now killing innocent people? And we just left?! We have to go back!” I said starting to get up when he grabbed my wrist to stop me. I looked up to see him smiling at me

“Calm down. The demons that were following us have a major drawback. When they pick one target, they will not stop for anything until said target, or itself, is dead”

“So then we’re in danger! We have to go!” I said and started to get up again. He only tightened his grip and shook his head still smiling.

“They won’t find us. Not yet anyway.” He said with absolute certainty. I wish I could believe that blindly.

“What’s to keep them from finding us?” I asked narrowing my eyes skeptically.

“Magic.” he said letting go of my wrist. I don’t know if I completely believe him. Well, it’s not that I don’t believe him it’s more that I don’t know if I can put my trust into what he’s saying, but I guess I can move on for now.

“You still haven’t told me why we had to kiss,” I reminded him

“Right, that,” he started his smile turning into a smirk. “Well as I said there are all kinds of different pheromones. A special kind is released when people kiss. It makes the demons dizzy and confused and it takes a while for them to come back to them selves. Of course that’ll only last 3 hours tops. Enough time to get away and take measures to protect yourself. Of course like I said this method only lasts a few hours, though there is another method that will keep them of your trail for a few days, but I didn’t think it would have been appropriate for us to do right there in public, not to mention on the first date.”

It wasn’t that hard to figure out what he was talking about but I choose to ignore it for the time being and move on to my next question now that that had been all sorted out.
“Where’d the clothes come from?”

“I have a friend who lives in the building above the pub that we went to. She owes me a favor and you two look about the same size.” He said shrugging

We sat quietly for a minute as I thought over what I had just learned, while he watched me, his smirk replaced with a thoughtful expression.
Finally he asked “Anything else?”

“Yeah why were you going to kidnap me? Why couldn’t you have just told me all of this from the start?”

Hunter raised one eyebrow and asked incredulously, ”Are you saying that you would have gone peacefully? That you’ll leave with me now? Without a fight?” I knew that he was remembering when I ran away from him earlier.

His question had brought me up short.

“I don’t know” I answered truthfully

“Well, the fact that there’s even a chance that you might leave willingly makes me feel better” he said going back to his now cold food.

“What would happen if a resist?” I asked quietly my staring at the half eaten meal on my plate.

There was a moment of silence and then “I’d have to take you

“What could the King possibly want with me?” I asked myself more than him.

He looked at me again his eyes searching my face. I picked up my burger and finished it. Slowly he ate the last few bites of his burger.

Again we lapsed into silence.

I was broken out of my reverie at the sound of my name being called.
“Bianca lets go,” said Hunter while he put some money on the table and slid out from his side of the booth.

I got out to and followed him out the door. We had walked five blocks when I realized that I didn’t know where we were going.

“Where are we going?”

“To get transportation” Hunter said and continued walking. Well okay then.

We turned a corner and saw a saw a used car lot. Hunter walked into the office building and told me to wait on one of the couches the dealership had laid out while he went into one of the offices for a minute. I did what I was told but wrote down ‘talk to Hunter about his bossiness” on my mental to do list right under ‘run like hell from the vampire’.

Blowing out a sigh I looked around at my surroundings. My eyes stopped on a little boy who was sitting on a couch across from me swinging his legs and staring straight at me. I smiled back but only got back more staring.

“Hi” I said to the little boy after a minute of willing him with my mind to find something else to stare at. His legs stopped swinging but there was no other reaction. So we just sat there and stared at each other. Finally he smiled at me and jumped down from the couch he was on to come sit beside me.

“Hi, my name is Joe. I’m five” he pronounced proudly

“I’m Bianca”

“You’re pretty, will you be my girlfriend?”

I stared at him like he had been staring at me for a minute, then I said

” Sure”

He drew in an excited breath and then jumped off the couch to a woman talking to a dealer.

“Mommy, Mommy!” he said loudly jumping up and down ”Mommy, that Bianca said she’d be my girlfriend!”

“That’s great sweetie” the woman said barley glancing at him. He ran back and got on the couch smiling.

“I’m going to tell all of my friends!” he said making me laugh.

Just then Hunter came back holding a key smiling as if he had heard the whole thing.

“Let’s go”
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Nothing exciting i know but bear with me