Whats Under the Bed?


Time lapse: 15 minutes

I decided on the way here that I was going to take a chance and go with Hunter. I know he knows since he won’t stop grinning.

We’re leaving tonight, but I asked if we could pick up a few of my things first. He was reluctant but I persuaded him

Up in the room that I’ve lived in since I was little I only have a few things that I would miss if I left them. I quickly grabbed my jewelry box, one of the few things that I have left of my mother, the picture of her hidden in my pillow case, my journal, and my teddy bear, Pookie and put them all into my canvas bag.

In another bag I put all the clothes within my possession and I was ready to go.

Walking out of the house I didn’t look back, there was nothing but bad memories to leave.

Time Lapse: 30 minutes

The silence is killing me. No radio, no talking no nothing. At least he’s a reasonable driver; I didn’t expect that, it’s a pleasant surprise.

I let out an exasperated sigh and leaned back in my seat. From the corner of my eye I saw hunter glance at me and clear his throat.

“So you’re . . . eighteen correct?”

Oh man.

I turned my head while still laying my head back the headrest.

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“What? You’re seven teen? Older? Younger? What?” he said frowning.

“No I’m eight teen. It’s just . . . where did you come up with that question?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well you could have said something like . . . I don’t know, what kind of music do you like? Or you could have just turned on the radio.”

“Oh right like that would have been so much better.”


“Look you’re the one who said that you were tiered of the quiet.”

“Actually I didn’t say that, I thought it. Which brings me to my next question, do you think you could not read my mind?”

“I’m sorry to inform you, but I can’t just turn it on and off even if it would please you.” He said not sounding sorry at all.

“Did I hit a nerve or something? Jeez you don’t have to be so rude.”

Hunter clenched his jaw and didn’t say anything so I rolled my eyes and turned my head toward the window,

We were quiet for a while. Again. Finally my eyes widened as I thought of another question for him.

“Hey Hunter can you sleep?”

He glanced over at me startled. By question or that I was talking I didn’t know which.

“Of course I can why wouldn’t I?”

I shrugged “ Do you drink blood?”

Now he was wary ”Yes”

“Just human blood or animal blood?”

“My family and I get blood from a blood bank.”

“So humans.”

“I suppose.” I could tell that my questions were making him uncomfortable.

“Bummer. Do your eyes change colors?”

He looked over at me incredulously. “No.”

“Do you sparkle in the sunlight?”

Understanding dawned on his face and he groaned.

“That damn book,” he muttered sounding very British, “ No I do not sparkle nor does any of the other vampires I’ve ever encountered. You really shouldn’t confuse fact with fiction and that’s exactly what that book is.”

“You’ve read Twilight?” I asked surprised

“Exactly twenty times. My little sister always demands it for a bedtime story. So she can dream of Edward she says.” Hunter rolled his eyes disgusted, but I was still in shock.

“You’ve read Twilight and you didn’t like it?” I asked appalled.

His only answer was to send me a withering glare. I took a second to get shock in chek.

“You have a sister?”

“Actually I have four and one brother.”

“How old are they?”

“The twins, Ashley and Reagan, are eighteen. Alexx, my brother, is sixteen. Lauren is eleven and Katie, the one who likes twilight, is five.”

“What are they like?”

“Katie is . . . well she’s the baby. She’s very sweet and caring. Lauren is the one who’s always getting into things and asks a lot of questions. Alexx is always trying to prove something though he doesn’t need to. He acts tough but he’s really not. He and Reagan bicker constantly. Reagan is very independent and strong and sarcastic. Ashley is her total opposite. Where Reagan is a bit of a tomboy Ashley is very girly. She’s constantly trying to get Reagan into a dress. They don’t get on very well.”

It would take a blind man not to see the love and protectiveness he got on his face when he talks about his family. A deaf man not to hear it in his voice.

“We’re here”

Surprised I looked up to see a three-story house. There was nothing around it except for trees and land. On the third and second floors there were balconies that had ivy trailing through the bars. It looked old but nice. The only thing is it didn’t look like a King and Queen lived here.

“Where is the palace?” I asked getting out and slinging my canvas bag on.

“What do you mean?” Hunter replied as he got out, got my other bag ,and led me to the door.

“I just thought the Royal family would live in some big fancy palace or something.”

Hunter grinned. “Bianca the Royal family doesn’t live here.”

“Then what is this place?”

Hunter’s grin widened. “This is my home."
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It's out. I know finnally right.