Shadow Moon

Chapter 1: Enter Aiden Aiden's P.O.V.

Who says there’s no such thing as monsters? And I’m not talking about the boogie man, or something you think is under your bed, or in your closet. No I’m talking demons, vampires, werewolves, and crazy stuff all like that! They’re all real! You may ask why you’ve never seen any of them… that’s because it’s my job to make sure that no one sees them… I am a demon hunter.
While most are, not all demon types are evil. Some live in peace among us. Hidden from the rest of the world. They pass along as normal humans. Even me, while it might seem weird for a hunter I myself am half demon. My father was also a hunter, but he made the mistake of falling in love with a demon, my mother. While everyone else sleeps I hunt those that are evil. During the day I play a normal high school boy. My name is -.
“AIDEN!!!!” some one calls waking me up. Yup I’m Aiden. I look around. It’s daytime and I’m at school, sleeping again…great. I look up and one of my classmates Kitty is standing in front of my desk…
“ Gosh you need to stop spacing out on me! I was talking to you jeez!” she yells. “Were you sleeping … Again?”
“Sorry.” I mumble
Kitty sits on my desk, and looks at me through her eyelashes. She does look pretty hot. She has long auburn almost orange hair that hangs to her waist, she has really long eyelashes over her deep blue eyes, and the thing well things that really “stick” out about Kitty are here boobs! They’re huge! It may sound perverted but it’s true! Everyone notices! But it is pretty hot.
“So are you still taking me to lunch?” She asks in her cutest voice.
She never quits. I put my and on top of hers. She blushes. I know she totally loves that. She’ll never admit it but she’s totally in love with me. But being a demon hunter makes it pretty hard for a relationship so I can’t really return her feelings for fear of her finding my secret and putting her in danger.
“Kitty, I really need to sleep…”
“W-what were you out all night partying?” she asks
“Ya, sure.” If that’s what she wants to think… I was really fighting some harpies. (Half bird, half human demons) But of coarse it’s best if she thinks that I’m partying.
“Ya well, maybe you should slow it down once in a while… Next time take me with you…” she laughs, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. “Let’s go!” What ever happened to my nap?
Kitty and I, are sitting at the park outside of our school eating lunch in our usual spot. She’s talking about a fight with her mom but I’m not really listening. I’m actually watching a vampire. She’s invisible to every one, but I can see though her weak magic… She’s sitting on the fountain, unknowing that I can see her. She’s beautiful … for a vampire. She has almost shoulder length brown hair that is pulled up in half pigtails on either side of her head and piercing green eyes. She is wearing a black corset and a black skirt type thing, black/gray knee high boots with spikes in the bottom, a black scarf type thing wrapped around her neck. Two bat wings come out of her back.
“And then she… Hey pay attention!” Kitty yells playfully punching my arm and ruining my concentration.
The bell rings to end lunch. Talk about saved by the bell.
“Come on!!” Kitty says grabbing my hand.
“Hold up.” I say “I’ll meet up with you later.” I look over at the vampire again. This time she catches my eye. Kitty runs in ahead of me. The vampire freezes. I start to walk away.
“You can see me…” she says quietly. It’s not a question. I turn around to say something to her but she is gone.
The second bell rings and I run back to class. Unable to get the vampire outta my mind. I’m hardly able to concentrate though out the day. Random questions kept running though my head. Why was a vampire out at this time of day? Why was she using her invisibility? What did she want here, at a high school?

~That Night~

Tonight I’m staying close to the school partly because there’s a Harpy nearby, and partly to see if that vampire comes around again. I can’t touch her though. Part of being a demon hunter is to kill the demons who attack people or who are causing problems, and to help out the demons that are harmless to others. I’m not aloud to kill a demon that hasn’t done anything wrong. But there’s something about that vampire… something different, something that makes me weak to her charm. (Which is VERY bad when you’re a demon hunter.)
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This is my first story so don't hate me if it's not that good or things aren't spelled right.But I'm trying okay!