Shadow Moon

Chapter 10: Dream a little dream Aiden’s P.O.V.

In my dream I was with Mie, and was about to kiss her again when-
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Aiden what the hell is going on!!!” I hear Kitty screech at the top of her lungs. I snap awake.
“AH! Make her shut up!” Amaya yells putting the pillow over her head.
“W-why is she here?” Kitty yells pointing a shaking finger at Amaya. Shit I’m in trouble.
“ Um, well you see Kitty you were-”
“ Listen Aiden if your trying to get a threesome I’ll-”
“ Threesome!!!” Amaya yells popping up. “ What the hell!?”
“ Kitty, Amaya, it’s not like that! Kitty you were passed out on my balcony when I got off work, and Amaya-“
“ Then how the hell did she get here?”
“ I was getting to that.”
“ I came here last night to get homework from Aiden because I was sick with the flu yesterday. I was still pretty bad when I ran here and well I fainted on the porch, Aiden was kind enough to carry me in I take it.” Amaya said as if she thought this whole thing out long before.
“ Ya, I couldn’t leave her out there, and I don’t know where she lives.” I smile. Kitty roles her eyes and grasps my hand tighter. I can feel my face getting hot. What is happening why do I care about this stuff now anyway? I used to be able to just shoo Kitty outta my mind with no second thought but now I’m feeling week around her and Amaya and Mie do I have crushes on them since when? “So why were you here last night anyway Kitty… on my balcony?” Kitty seems to be in shock as she looks down. “I-I don’t… I can’t remember… I remember coming to bring you homework on the way home from school and then… I don’t know…” She looks like she’s about to cry.
“Kitty,” I reach for her shoulder. “Ow!” She flinches and smacks my hand away. “What?” Amaya pops up and pulls Kitty close to her. “Kitty… your shoulder… it’s bleeding.”
“What?” I get up on the bed and sit next to Kitty. Amaya slides off the bed and runs to the bathroom. “Amaya?”
“Ow what’s the matter with her?”
“Kitty what happened to your Shoulder?”
“I don’t know.”
Amaya comes out of the bathroom with a bag in her hand. “Here wrap this around the wound, and put this on her. Kitty, take off your dress.”
“What! Why?” Kitty yelled squirming outta my arms.
“So we can treat the wound and I can take this down to the laundry.”
“But-but Aiden!”
“He doesn’t have to look.”
“I’ve seen it all before.” I mumble. Kitty turns red.
“Don’t look!” She throws a pillow at my face.
“Okay okay I won’t. Just hurry up!” I lay back and put the pillow over my face. Kitty sighs. I hear some drawers slamming and I instantly think of my guns in the second drawer of my dresser. “ What are you doing!?” I pop up throwing the pillow off my face. Kitty is standing in front of me just I one of my over sized t-shirts. “We told you not to look!” Amaya says running at me and smacking me in the face. “Ow well you didn’t have to hit me.”
“I bet you’re scared that we’ll find your porn in one of your drawers huh?”
“Well yeah that… and my guns.” I mumble
“Ewww Aiden your hiding porn!”
“Duh he’s a guy! … Either way Aiden I want you to bandage up Kitty. I’m gonna take her clothes over to the laundry.”
“ Why can’t you bandage?” “Just do it!” Amaya runs out the door.