Shadow Moon

Chapter 13:Warning! Amaya’s P.O.V

Ewww I can’t believe what I just saw! That’s gross… but I guess since they are boyfriend and girlfriend… And I did just walk in without knocking… Why am I living with Aiden anyway? I should just go back to the demon world… I don’t belong here… With a human… Jared is right…
I don’t know why but I’ve ended up in front of the school. I’ve only been here a couple days but I like this school already. I walk into the schoolyard and wonder around. It’s already lunchtime. There’s no point in me being here. I sit down on the fountain where I was when I first saw Aiden… There’s such power coming from him even though he’s just a halfy.
“Hello Amaya, or should I call you Mie?” a girl with long blond hair come towards me.
“Um who are you?”
“How do you not remember me? I sit beside you in class; I talked to you for hours the other day! I’m Alice!”
“Oh yeah sorry! Tee hee! The elf chick”
“Any way Mie-”
“In this form I’m Amaya…”
“Okay Amaya… I just thought that you would want to know that there’s been a were wolf lurking around town…”
“Yeah but I wouldn’t worry too much I’m sure a hunter will get it by tonight it attacked some humans yesterday.”
I wonder if Jared knew about this….
“As long as you don’t attack anyone you’ll be fine.”
I wonder what will happen if anyone found out that the gash on Kitty arm is my fault… I didn’t bite her but I did hit her driving her into a bar on Aiden’s balcony.
♠ ♠ ♠
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