Shadow Moon

Chapter 14: Irresistible Kitty’s P.O.V.

“She totally ruined the mood!” Stupid Amaya! She even ran off with my uniform so now I have no clothes other then Aiden’s shirt for the day.
“You know I can run to your house and grab you a change of clothes…”
“Ya but my house key was my uniform pocket…”
“Maybe I should run to the school and-”
“No!” I whine. Why can’t we just to back to the way we were before Amaya came in and ruined it?
Aiden’s phone rings. “Hello… What… Oh…Yeah… Okay I’ll be there… Yeah it’s okay… Okay bye.” He hangs up his phone and walks over to his dresser.
“Aiden?” He rummages though his stuff and ignores me. What was that about?” he pulls out a shirt and something’s wrapped up inside of it. “Aiden?” He walks to the bathroom. “Don’t ignore me!” I yell throwing a pillow off the bed and hitting the back of his head. He slams the bathroom door shut “Jeez Aiden.” I whine.
“Kitty I have to go to work,”
“What! Why?”
“Something came up… I’ll be back in a few hours okay.”
“I don’t want you to leave me.”
“I’ll stop by the school and get your uniform and key from Amaya okay.”
“….” I don’t want him to go. But it’s useless trying to stop Aiden.
He comes out of the bathroom and grabs a few things.
“Kitty I’m sorry.” He leans over and kisses my forehead. “See you soon.” The door slams behind him and he’s gone… I’m all-alone… Aiden…
♠ ♠ ♠
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