Shadow Moon

Chapter 16: Never Again Ed’s P.O.V

I lay in the mud in too much pain to move. The Holy Water from the gospel is entering my blood stream. The Angel lay about 10 feet away from me unconscious from the impact. I have to get to her and get her to Zig’s… But I’m so weak…
A were wolf in human form walks out from behind the trees. It’s an alpha male named Zeke. What he’s doing here I really don’t know. I jump up and grab the angel and throw myself on top of her protecting her.
“You don’t have to do that… we’re in neutral territory.”
I look up and we’re in front of Zig’s shop. I sigh in relief. “I’ll get her soon enough.” Zeke grins as he turns and runs off.
“We’re safe.” I say closing my eyes. Not too far away I can hear a gun shoot… Then a howl…
“Come on,” I pick up the angel, and limp inside.
“Welcome.” A small boy behind the counter says. “…” I fall down.
“What happened to her… and you? … Les! Get in here now!” The boy yells as he jumps over the counter and runs to the angel. “Oh… her… wing… her wing were…” the boy chokes.
“What is it now Vince? Oh crap! Ed!” Les says running to me. “Your leg! What-”
“Holy water filled…” Is all I can manage to say before my voice gives away?
Everything goes black.
♠ ♠ ♠
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