Shadow Moon

Chapter 17: The Hunt Aiden’s P.O.V.

“Maybe I should run to the school and-” I start
“No!” Kitty whines
My phone rings.
“Hello?” I answer.
“Aiden it’s me.” Someone says over the receiver.
“It’s me, Alice…”
“Anyway remember that were wolf that’s been prowling around town?”
“It’s chasing some one near Zig’s… You should go take care of it.
“Okay I’ll be there…”
“Good.” She giggles. Sorry to bother you on the day your skipping school with Kitty.”
“Yeah it’s okay…”
“You two having fun?”
“Okay bye.”
“Aiden wait!”
I hang up my phone and walk over to my dresser in search of a gun.
“Aiden?” Kitty starts. “What was that about? Aiden?”
I walk into the bathroom.
“Don’t ignore me!” She yells throwing a pillow off the bed and hitting me in the back of my head…. Ow.
I slam the bathroom door shut.
“Jeez Aiden.”
After arguing with Kitty forever I finally got out of the house. Alice was waiting right outside the door.
“Jeez, what took so long Aiden?”
“Shhh Kitty is inside.”
“Then shall we take the portal?” Alice waves her hands up in the air and moves them around fast she whispers something as a purple glow surrounds us. *Poof* we’re in a small forest right out side of town.
Alice is in different clothes and her elfin ears are showing. She is now in a light pink dress and blond hair is tied back in a half ponytail fixed in a braid.
“Come on!” She yells. “He’s right by Zig’s if he goes in there we can’t touch him.”
There’s a load bang of a gunshot.
“What was that?”
“Maybe there’s another hunter one the job!”
“How can that be I’m the only one around? … Unless…”
“Could it be?”
A giant gray wolf jumps in front of us.
“I-it’s Zeke!” Alice squeaks.
I aim my gun at his head and shoot. But he moves too fast and I only graze his shoulder. He still yelps in pain.
“Did you get him?” Alice runs up to me.
“No just grazed him. I’m going after him… come on.”
“Neh I’m going to Zig’s to see if Zeke got anyone.”
“Okay I’ll call you when I get him.”
Alice and I run off our separate ways. Damn Zeke I could have gotten him last night if I wasn’t so out of it because of Mie’s kiss… Either way I’m going to get him today no matter what… As long as HE the other demon hunter doesn’t get him first… I’m not going to let that happen… I’m not going to let Ed win! Never ever never!
♠ ♠ ♠
We go back to Aiden now! Wow this is a long one! Please comment anyway!