Shadow Moon

Chapter 2: Mie/Amaya Mie's P.O.V

I watch the boy pace around the fountain from a safe distance in a tree. I feel like he is looking for me. I just know that he saw me this afternoon, some how even with my magic. There’s just something about him that is just not right though. Some kinda weird aura that’s around him, it’s just not human… I don’t think he’s human. I want to find out what it is. I jump outta the tree. What IS he really doing here anyways?
“Time for some fun!” I say to myself.
I use what little powers I do have to take a more human shape, getting rid of my bat wings and changing my outfit and hair to something more human like. I walk over to one of the school building windows and check out my reflection.
“Check me out! I look good!” I say to myself “Wow I can pull this off!” Now to pass as a human… I’m wearing an outfit to match the school uniform (black mini skirt, black and white shirt, black ribbon, white stockings, and black shoes) so I can go to school with him passing as one of his classmates. I look over at the boy and smile. “Oh tomorrow will be fun.” I say to him even though he can’t really hear me. I walk back to my tree and watch him for the next hour or so. Then he grabs something from his pocket look at it and runs off all fast. “Wow!” I say falling back against the grass. He’s so mysterious but that makes him so… cool! He has black hair that in certain light looks almost blue a shade that just can’t be obtained by dye. He’s green/gray eyes are just amazing! Oh wow I really can’t wait to meet him and find out more about him. Who ever or what ever he is.

~The Next Day~

I walk into the school in my new human form. It’s working perfectly every sees me as a new human girl. Some guys even stop and stare. Wow humans checking me out! THE boy walks past me with some girl hanging off his arm but doesn’t even take a second glace at me. So he didn’t realize that I’m that vamp from yesterday. Yet the girl on his arm looks back at me with an evil glare… cold. I think she’s his girl friend.