Shadow Moon

Chapter 5 Breakfast at Tiffany's Aiden's P.O.V.

~Chapter 5: Breakfast At Tiffany’s ~
~ Aiden’s P.O.V.~

I close and lock the balcony door behind me, and walk up to the front door. Kitty is knocking franticly.
“ Geez Aiden what took you so long?” Kitty hollered
“Sorry, sorry. I was sleeping.”
“This late! We haveta go to school!”
“I don’t think I will today.”
“What!! But whyyyy notttt?”
“ I’m really tired and I have stuff to do today.”
Kitty sits down on my couch.
“ What kinda stuff?”
I glace over at the balcony door.
“You should head to school…” I tell he walking to the front door.
“But I don’t wanna.” She whines
I sigh. “But honey, you need to go to school.”
“N-no I don’t!” She stutters I know that I caught her off guard.
I open the door for her. “You know that you do.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. “ Have fun at school.” I whisper
“Okay I will.” She answers as she staggers off.
I close and lock the door behind her. Yes the kiss was kinda mean but that’s sometimes the only way to get to her and it works. I would go out with her with out a second thought if I wasn’t a demon hunter. I mean EVERY guy in school wants Kitty! She really is hot. Perfect face, hair, eyes and boobs.( Hee, hee) and she does try pretty damn hard to get me. I must really seem like an dumbass.
I open the balcony door. Then again Amaya is really hot too.
“Geez what took so long?”
“Kitty being Kitty.” I reply
Amaya laughed a gorgeous laugh.
“So what kinda stuff do you have to do today?”
Her voice mesmerizing again.
Shit this is bad. She shouldn’t be able to get to me like this.
“ Um, Apparently I’m spending the day with you.” I smile.
“ Good.” She laughs back. “ You know breakfast would be nice.” She hints
We head to a little café down the street from my apartment called Tiffany’s. Amaya orders a huge meal. How does she eat like that and keep that figure?
“ So I w -” Amaya starts then drops her fork and has a blank look on her face as if she’d seen a ghost. “What?” I ask following her gaze.
“… It’s nothing… just…nothing… I haveta… um.”
“ Bathroom?”
She glares at me. “Listen I totally spaced on something I need to do so I’ll meet you at your house later. Okay?” She says fumbling with her purse.
“ What?” I start but she practically runs out.
Something’s wrong. And not just with Amaya. More like there’s a demon around here close by… an evil and very powerful one. I stand up and throw some money down on the table. I need to get my guns. Demons usually aren’t out in true form during the day there weaker and it’s harder for them. I run towards my house.
Being half demon gives me more agility then any human can possibly have. I can run faster then human speed, jump to extreme heights, and just do thing that no human ever thought possible. It’s pretty damn kick ass if I do say so myself.
I run in my house and grab two of my pistils loaded full of gospels. (Special bullets made for demon hunters full of holy water when shot into a demon the outer shell breaks apart and pumps holy water into there blood stream usually resulting in a quick yet painful death they work on more powerful and evil demons but not on elfins and such)
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Last chapter for now xD More to come stay tuned