Status: Complete. =)

Vanished Amaranth (Bleeding Elegy)

Teardrops On A Fragile Eyelash


"Aiden, Juliana, get up right now! It's time for school."

The voice of our "mother" echoes up to our bedroom, startling both my younger sister and myself. Groaning, I throw off the red covers and gather up some clothes so I can take my daily shower. Today I've picked out a Nightwish tank-top, blue faded jeans, black undershorts and my black green slip-ons.

So I walk into our bathroom, lock the door then turn the water on. As the warm water slides down my body, I begin to think, like I usually do in the shower. Why are Juliana and I stuck here? With our aunt? Our parents are dead and we barely have any friends other than Hailey, Dawn, Aly and Kate.

After a boring but relaxing ten minute shower, I turn the water off and wrap a towel around my waist. I decide to wear the usual makeup: Just dark black eye shadow and eyeliner. After the makeup's done, I begin to put on my school clothes.

The car ride to our school was just like it's always been; miserable and silent. We can't even play Aiden's amazing music. I mean she can sing and write.

We arrive at our school and exit the car. Due to us hating this horrible woman we're supposed to call "mom", we just walked towards the school getting disturbing stares like we do every morning. Aiden and I are both 8th graders but our birthdays fall in the month of June on the same day, which would be the 25th.

When we walk up to our school's double front doors, Aiden holds it open for me and I let out a laugh while walking inside to the oh-so-irritating white walls, ceilings and floors I've come to know as Ridgeway. Eugh. Sometimes California irritates me oh-so-freaking much.

"AJ!" Aiden's voice seems irritated with my random spacing out.

"Sorry, sorry. Okay so let's go to class, girls. Everyone bring their pillows and i-pods?"

Kate, Hailey and Dawn let out a laugh and nod yes. "Great. Let's go! :D"

No one knows this but Aiden, Kate, Hailey, Dawn and I are DYING to leave California when we turn 18. Aiden and I already have the whole thing planned out; the day we turn 18 we're going to buy the tickets and flee the hell out of this hell hole town.

"Seriously, Julia! How the hell did you learn to fight like that?" The girls and I have been trying to get the answer out of her for the last 45 straight minutes.

"I told you. She irritated me more and more."

"You fought like that Buffy woman we saw on TV that one time!"

She laughs at me, while looking straight ahead and putting her hair behind her ear. "No, I so do not fight like Sarah! But that would be nice. Then maybe boys would be afraid of me. :D"

Chuckling, we all walk in silence to our houses while saying goodbye. When I opened our apartment's front door I see a LOT of BIG, BIG suitcases by the couch. "Pack your s**t. We're moving." Our so-called mother, whom I shall call Annika since that's her name, firmly states.

"Again!? WHAT THE FUCK!"

She slaps me and says to go pack my stuff. "We leave in 3 days."

Oh man. The girls aren't going to like this.

I notice tears falling down my sister's face and move forward to wipe them off. "Come on. We should go upstairs. Aiden why don't you go take a shower and we'll talk tomorrow during lunch, okay?" Nodding, she hugs me tightly for 5 minutes and runs upstairs.

Grr... Someone's poking my head.

"What- oh hi AJ."

Before I could say anything else, AJ starts to cry.

"Oh my god. What's wrong?"

She wipes her tears away. "We...we're moving to Germany." She manages to speak with little vocal strength.

"OH F**KING HELL NO. What will we do about the girls?! Get my phone, please." AJ, while wiping away the rest of her tears, hands me my phone and I begin to text all my friends.

I do NOT want to go to Germany! I can't leave Hailey, Dawn and Kate. Not now.

...Not ever!!