Status: Complete. =)

Vanished Amaranth (Bleeding Elegy)

A New Age...

We had arrived in Germany exactly 45 minutes ago and holy FUCK. I have never in my LIFE been so miserable! Well, other than when my parents died but this is almost as bad. This bitch of an aunt almost KILLED me with the way she treats us. I mean, in public she's the nicest mom ever. But in private? Yup. She's a BITCH.


The sound of my sister's powerful voice wakes me from my sleep and I realize we're in a city, bright lights all around. Grabbing my messenger bag and pouch with nail polish and make-up that I rarely ever wear, I let myself out of the car and slammed the door.

"WOW. If I wasn't pissed off right no-"

The back of my aunt's hand meets my cheek. "Watch your mouth, little bitch!" After her little hissyfit she takes her stuff and goes to find our house. There's gorgeous houses here and I can only pray that our mom bought one of the nice ones, but no. She stops in front of a hideous, screwed up house. "Well this is our new house. Get used to it. Because as of the second you stepped in the door you don't leave until you're 18. Then, I kick you out!" She runs upstairs and falls asleep in her room, which expectedly was the nicest of them all even though it did look like s**t. There's a note on our suitcase that says in sloppy cursive where everything is in the house and explains we start school tommorrow.

Food and drinks = fridge, money on the microwave. You start at Rivers tommorrow.
Your "beloved" aunt.

I bloody hate this woman!


I just finished up putting on my eye liner and light red eye shadow around five minutes ago. The red is barely noticeable if you don't focus on my face. Aiden refused to put on any make-up whatsoever and just trimmed her bangs. Then she curled some of it up a bit. So it's between curly and straight.

"Get out and good riddance for the next few hours." Our "mother" shouted at us to leave the car and, without a second thought, we ran the hell out of there and slammed the door before she could yell an insult at us.


"You ready, AJ?"

Not even ten minutes in Magdeburg, and we are getting stares. Oh yeah, and these girls are speaking in German about us. Creepy...but that's why I learned some German curse words.


They all laugh and I flip them off in unison with my twin sister.

"Gothic slut-bag!"

Okay, the chick who said that just finalized her deathwish. So I look around for the dead one who insulted me. "Who's the sick twisted fuck up that dared to even thinkwrong of me? Show yourself, plastic hack. I aint afraid of ya." Patting my shoulder in appreciation of my witty/verbal attack skills, Juliana leads me down the gray cement path and to the red entrance doors.


"OMG! Those gothic-looking whores...eww. Black is, like....nasty shit. Yuck!"

I would've continued my barrage of insults but a foot collides with my stomach from the side.

"Whoops. Sorry about that. Oh wait....No, no I most certainly am not sorry. Wanna speak about me, say your shit to my face and depending on the severity of your words, I will kick your ass. My first day here and these fuck heads are burning my temper fuse. Speak shit about me again, barbie prick, and I vow to send you to the damned scrap heap. We're done here."

The mystery girl runs away, and while covering my head I run to my car and drive home.


"Aiden Blade where were you!?" Juliana yells at me in my face.

Whoops... I forgot to tell my sister where I went. Ha. "I needed to leave lunch for a little while so I did and I heard this walking barbie doll ho-bag talking s**t about us. So I round-house kicked her as I can see clearly, she's driving home. Mercy, if this Ashlee chick makes a hate website or something similar to me or us I will flip out and crack up. Haha..s**t. Skank army alert. Behind you."

Nodding in sorrow, she pretends to talk to me about our songwriting project. "Personally, I think Darklight Oasis is your best CD and should be completed lyrically first."

Some blonde, tan slut smacks the back of Juliana's head and before anyone could respond I jump out of my chair and "fly" behind this blonde girl and kick her stomach followed by a punch to the back of her head. "NEVER, and I mean NEVER, touch any part of my sister's body, bitch. I will slaughter you and your band of whores if you so much as speak or even consider speaking to us. Got it- Good. Go the FUCK away now before I whoop you Blade-style. Black belts are no fun to piss off, girlie, and I know from personal experience as I have angered my sister over here plenty of times before. Go."

While she and her group run away, the lunchroom erupts in laughter and clapping.




So many compliments heard throughout the room but my attention lands on four boys, particularly the one with black hair. He and braid-boy are supposedly LAUGHING at me, pointing and giggling. Well I'll sort this out. "Um, excuse me, wannabee man-bitch, but what's so funny about this chick owning your ass in a public room that you have to choke on your food and point at me giggling? I'd SO love it if you shut the FUCK up if you don't want to suffer a brutal crucifixion, Jesus Christ-style."

"Ooooh.. YAY!"

Ugh. The crowd does that OOOOH thing you hear all the time and I hate it. The two boys and their friends run away and I stomp out of the room with my sis, laughing. "Girl, you could not have been funnier! XD"

Feeling a light tap on my shoulder, I come face to face with a girl that has black/purple hair. "Hiya. I'm Jimena. You two would be.."

"Aiden Lydia Mariah Ryan Stevens. Call me Aiden, Aiden Blade or just Blade."

"Juliana Amara Raven Stevens. We do not go by our names only short ones. Call me Rave or AJ." Jimena shakes both of our hands and as time goes by, I notice that eight minutes passed. We all trade numbers, email and website addresses so we can talk more.
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A huge thanks to my editor and bestest buddy, xdawnx! :D