Status: Complete. =)

Vanished Amaranth (Bleeding Elegy)

Atomic Winter In My Soul..


Our so-called "mother" flew her horrible brothers over here and they all hate me. They're fine with Juliana, though. But we're fucking twins! "Aiden Maria Blade, pay the fuck attention!" The sound of my aunt's palm smacking my face fills the whole room and her brothers crack up.

"Little whore is afraid of you, Hannah! XD Kick her ass!" I never learned the name of our "legal guardian that I refuse with my soul to call my mother slash guardian unless absolutely positively necessary" person until her oldest brother Kevin called her Hannah.

"Kevin, why don't you shut the fucking hell up and show what a TRUE MAN is like. Wait..stupid command seeing as how this room includes no males whatsoever but I still like to damage your egos. :D It's my favorite activity of all time. Oh yeah: And fuck you, man bitch. :D"

Again for what must have been the 15th time today, Hannah tried to slap my face. Something unexpected sister pushed me out of the way and went flying into the damn WALL! "HEY! You no good son of a BITCH! You will NEVER lay a HAND or claw on my sister's body! Kill me if you want, but touch Juliana and I will kill you and stab the s**t out of all your CORPSES for my own personal enjoyment!"

The guys walk out of my house and Hanna runs up to our room and throws all our things down the stairs. "Get the fuck out of my goddamn house, you gothic wannabee sluts! I am kicking you out NOW. FUCK the law!"

"More like FUCK YOU, weak ass bitch!" Sometimes it scares me how my twin's voice fits with mine when we scream insults to our enemies in unison. "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW BEFORE I LOSE MY PATIENCE!" She hasn't lost her patience yet? Wow. "You still have your patience? Damn. PATIENT people keep their voices and tempers under control. See, I'm holding in the need to beat the hell out of you legal guardian or not PATIENTLY and it's PAINFUL for me to not walk up there and kick your ugly ass to the depths of Dante's Inferno." Juliana grabs our bags and we run out of the house listening to the shrieks of our aunts.

"Ok so Hailey, you'll be going back as the keyboardist, lyricist and vocalist, Vicki on guitar, lyrics and vocals, Alexe on drums and me on the mic as lead singer/songwriter again? Just like the old days last year?" Hailey nods with a confirmative smile. "AHHH! Girl, Aegis is BACK! Okay so we still have the songs we wrote from two years ago right? So we can put it all together to make our debut demo disc Voice Of A Siren!! Hailey this is gonna rock the f**king world!!" We throw our arms around each other and laugh, then after 5 quiet minutes we let go. "Okay so I wrote some new ones for the demo: Broken, Alive Again, Burn, Stand & Scream and Reflection."

"Really?! Damn girl-" My sentence is interrupted by my front door being knocked on loudly and rather powerfully. "Hailey I'll be back alright?" She nods in understanding and whips out one of her black/white spotted writing journals and says she's going to work on Broken's lyrics and finish up Reflection.
(Front door)

Walking down to my front door I begin to question who could be here at such a strange time. I decide to look through the little peephole on the door and notice Aiden and her sister. "AHH!" I unlock the door and let them in. "Come in, come in!" Noticing the tears on Aiden's face, I quickly lock the door and turn her around. "What the hell happened to you two!?"

"Our legal guardian slapped me. Actually, it happens every day. For cussing, for singing, for writing, school, talking about boys, writing music with Juliana- anything she wants she hits me for... hence my tomato colored cheek. So I verbally assaulted her brother Kevin that absolutely hates me along with her 3 other fucked-up-in-the-head-and-body areas Joe, Adam and Andrew pretty damn well then they called me gothic whore and shit. Then Hanna, name of our guardian, hit me then my sister took the blow and went flying backwards and smashed a vase then took even worse damage!"

"Mother of GOD!!!! You guys are staying here with me, no question. You have a very brave and caring sister Aiden, for her to take a blow and push you out of the way. I respect both of you. Come. I have a friend to introduce you two. Wanna join our band?"

"AHHH! Did you just offer to let us into your band!? YES! I accept HANDS DOWN! A.J?"

"Don't gotta tell me twice. YEAH were in!"

A band with Juliana, Jimena and myself. This is the start of a ROCKIN' and surely wicked bond that not even the Fates can clip off.

... Wonder what my parents would think. GOD I miss them.
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:D Imma try and work on this one without xdawnx's help. :D Even though I wouldnt be writing Vanished Amaranth without her generous and definitely well appreciated editing skills.

(Reflection, Voice Of A Siren, Alive Again, Burn and Stand & Scream are some actual songs I came up with while just writing this chapter. :D)