Status: Complete. =)

Vanished Amaranth (Bleeding Elegy)

Rise from Fallen Grace


"Okay so you girls said you wrote some songs right? May we hear?" For the past 4 hours (it's 6:00 PM now) we've been working on our music and so far? We got like 5 old songs completed and 7 new ones fron Aiden and Juliana! "Um sure. Can I have that acoustic guitar? I kind of need to play/drum it. Haha." Hailey gives me my red acoustic guitar and I hand it to Aiden. She begins to strum and Juliana starts to sing.

"For the thrill you claimed, they took it all away, now we're stuck here surrounded by all the lonely days, how else can we survive when to us dead is the new alive? How else can we survive we live lonely days and I can't take it anymore! COME. COME RESCUE ME FROM IT ALL! FOR THE THRILL, TAKE ME AWAY! SAVIOUR OF THE HEART, I CALL FOR YOU! YOU'RE NOT LUST, YOU'RE MY RESCUER slowly forever after, come rescue me nooow..." Aiden strums the last chord as every mouth in the room fell open. "Juliana?"


"YOU CAN F**KING SING! Who wrote that song and what is it called?" She chuckles and starts to answer my question. "I did. It's called Rescue Me." Holy jesus..."You...can sing and write? Oh my GOD! We are REALLY excited to have you in Aegis! REALLY excited! Haha."

"Thanks, Jimenia, but that was a depressed song longing for help. Wanna hear something funny, angry, happy, sad, confused? I got a whole flipping catalogue of this stuff. XD" Aiden drops the guitar, and the slamming noise wakes us all from our trance. "You okay, Aiden?"

"Yeah...yeah I was just thinking about two of our, Juliana and I, friends from like 12 years ago. Heh, it's funny because we haven't had contact since we were 8. They defended Juliana and I from bullies, stayed over at our house, wrote songs with us- OH and the younger one sent my vocal training lessons over email. XD Haha." Juliana's face brightens and she lets a happy tear fall down her face. "Bill and Tom Kaulitz." WHOA BABY! "The twins!?! THE FREAKIN' TWINS!?! YOU KNEW THE FREAKIN TWINS!?" They make faces saying what the hell and ask us why I freaked out. "Nothing. Bill and Tom go to our school. Tom's known as the player, what with switching girlfriends all the time. XD Bill's the qu-"

"Quiet one. We grew up with the fools, you know. Ha. Ehhh. Our aunt never let us speak of them when she saw them in picture form. She thinks Bill's a girl and thinks Tom is a "fag" for some strange and creepy and DISTURBING reason...ughh. Let's not speak of the she-witch again. Unless we're called in to one of her Psychologist sessions to explain why we're not helping her insane issues, which are naturally in her blood.." The girls break out in laughter and we're all on the floor, laughing. After about 5 minutes, we get up and put our writing stuff away. "Alright so we perform at this mansion party correct?" "Yup." Aiden's been freaking out and screaming for some time now about our comeback public appearance. Technically it's Aiden's and Juliana's DEBUT but it's the comeback of Aegis.

"Juliana? Do you honestly ever wish we never lost contact?" In all honesty, I love talking with my sister here at our own lunch table with the other "emo freaks". "Ehh. They've got their lives, we're got ours and yes I do. I do wish we never lost contact with the twins but here? FUCK no. FUCK no I don't wish to see them. Well, actually, I do but still: If they even stand near us, that'll be finalizing our deathwishes! AND I WANT TO LIVE. XD" Finishing our lunches, we walk in unison as always to the big garbage can by the school's back entrance. "AHHH!" Someone's powerful hand grabs me by the hair and throws me to the ground. "You are to, like, NEVER speak of the twins here. Bill and Tom don't need you!"

Juliana lets out a fake cough and prepares to kick this slut-bag away from me. "Um. Yeah. Hi. Remember me? Aiden kicked your slut leader's ASS. And right now if you don't remove your paws away from my sister here, I will not hesitate to SLAUGHTER you. BACK.THE.FUCK.OFF of her." She round-house kicks the girl to her head and helps me up. "And whoever we talk about is none of your damn business. We HAPPENED to have grown up with the twins you useless pile of DOG SHIT." Juliana leads me to our lunch table, and again we sit by our friends and "group (xD)" that are cheering in awe of mine and Juliana's skills at comebacks and such. "Dude, that was AMAZING! You showed that plastic Barbie fucker who's boss! BOTH of ya. TO AIDEN AND JULIANA BLADE!"

The table cheers and drink their pop in the name of my sister and I. "Well guys? Honestly, I got a feeling that the trouble is only close to be close to beginning..meaning that it's close to the starting line of being close to start." The table and I laugh and begin joking around like we used to. Oh yeah: And we all have black fingernails, boys included, with a wide variety of wrist/arm accessories.

"No. It can't be! AIDEN and JULIANA!?! HERE!? TOM!!!!!!" In a split second, my twin is at my side and a little out of breath. "What?!" " you happen to remember Aiden and her sister? Yeah well..they're here at our school." His mouth drops open and he begins to curse in German. "Tom calm down, they know we're here they just haven't SEEN us yet. They betrayed US when they stopped calling and left those messages, Tom. WE didn't do ANYTHING other than waste half our lives with them. Come on. Let's go." And before I know it, screams are heard and the sound of clashing blades fills the air.

"WELL WELL WELL. If it isn't the Slayer Aiden."

"Yeah yeah yeah can I just kick your ass and go back home and sleep or whatever? Beating you around like a fucked up plaything is cool and all, but now I'm tired. Aw what the hell." I kick him hard in the chest and his black beating heart flies out and lands on Juliana's pencil trap. "Bye bye for now, Senorita Fuckup. I'll be waiting.. for the time to EXTINGUISH YOUR RACE!" And before he could let out a roar, I push his dying body onto the pencil and he burns up then turns to dust. Juliana killed the henchmen and left the leader to me. "What? Y'all aint never seen vampires before? Never seen a slayer chick in action? Well you got one in your school and it would be best if you didn't cross us wrongly."

"....Tom? Now it's a DEAL we must NEVER cross them!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm f**king pissed! I had another idea, but I "accidentally" clicked on a popup (bull-s**t! The computer screwed it up!) and I lost the performance of Aegis idea. >X( So I whipped this one up! >XD I love this story, Sacrament and Dead Heart Divine. :D